Effects of temperature and pCO2 on lipid use and biological parameters of pla...
The successful dispersal and recruitment of coral larvae depend on endogenous energy stores that fuel swimming, the search for optimal habitat, and metamorphosis. Ocean... -
Protein content of Calanus finmarchicus from the North Atlantic collected dur...
For the determination of water-soluble protein content of C. finmarchicus of the different stations the Qubit® Protein Assay Kit (Invitrogen) was used. Analysis was performed... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and morphometric, protein, and lipid data of Str...
Transgenerational plasticity occurs when the conditions experienced by the parental generation influence the phenotype of their progeny. This may in turn affect progeny... -
Responses of the metabolism of the larvae of Pocillopora damicornis to ocean ...
Ocean acidification and warming are expected to threaten the persistence of tropical coral reef ecosystems. As coral reefs face multiple stressors, the distribution and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and protein content, respiration, symbiodinium d...
Efforts to evaluate the response of coral larvae to global climate change (GCC) and ocean acidification (OA) typically employ short experiments of fixed length, yet it is... -
(Table 2) Concentration of chlorophyll a in 0-50 m layer of water, amount of ...
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