Regression analysis for the relationships among time perspectives, procrastin...
Raw data for analysing the relationships between procrastination and time perspectives, testing the moderating effect of BPNS between time perspectives and inter-subject... -
Resultats de l'enquesta realitzada en el projecte edDIT
Aquesta base de dades conté els resultats de l'instrument adminstrat en el projecte "Corporacions tecnològiques, plataformes educatives digitals i garantia dels drets de la... -
Results of the MiCREATE survey on migrant children in Catalan schools
This dataset contains all the quantitative data coming from the survey implemented in ten Spanish schools during Work Packages (WP) 5, 6, and 7 of the MiCREATE project. This... -
“I think you understand me.” Studying the associations between actual, assum...
Materials as described in the article called “I think you understand me.” Studying the associations between actual, assumed, and perceived understanding within couples and...