RDA Foundation Governance Document
A document describing the high-level structures of the Research Data Alliance Foundation. This document is separate from the regular governance document, which describes... -
Articles of Association of Research Data Alliance Foundation
A legal document describing the structure of the RDA Foundation under british law. -
RDA Outputs and Intellectual Property Policy
Policy document on the RDA Outputs and the Intellectual Property associated with them. -
DEPRECATED: RDA Governance Document
The role of the RDA Governance Document is to describe the structures of RDA, and their relationships, that support the activity and principles of RDA, and Councils powers and... -
DEPRECATED: RDA TAB Election Process Document V 1.6
Document describing the roles, responsibilities, and processes of the RDA Technical Advisory Board (TAB). -
Deprecated RDA TAB Election Process Document
Document describing the roles, responsibilities, and processes of the RDA Technical Advisory Board (TAB). -
DEPRECATED: Organisational Membership Process
Document describing the processes of organisational membership to the RDA. This document has been superseded by a later version. -
Deprecated RDA TAB Election Process
Deprecated - The document describing the process for the TAB elections. -
DEPRECATED - Organisational Membership Invitation
An invitation for organisations to become organisational members of the RDA. NOT IN USE ANYMORE. -
Document Publication Policy
A document describing RDA policy for publishing documents.