Reconstructed asynchronous maximum extent of ice sheet glaciations in norther...
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Reconstructed ice-sheet extent in northern Eurasia during the Early/Middle We...
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Compilation of the reconstructed ice-sheet extent in northern Eurasia during ...
Along the western margin of Barents Sea according to Landvik et al. 1998, Scandinavian Ice Sheet boundary modified from Andersen, 1981 and Velichko & Faustova, 1986; between... -
Reconstructed glaciation limits in Eurasia (digitized from map Fig.1)
Based on field investigations in northern Russia and interpretation of offshore seismic data, we have made a preliminary reconstruction of the maximum ice-sheet extent in the... -
Compilation of locations, larval durations and dates of spawning and settleme...
Early-life stages play a key role in the spatio-temporal dynamics of marine populations due to their highly dispersive properties, their sensitivities to environmental factors... -
Reconstructed late Weichselian ice-sheet extension
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Megnetic susceptibility of a subtropical South Atlantic transect
The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) of the global climate system, initiated by a shift towards much larger northern hemisphere ice shields at around 920 ka and ending with... -
Elevation lines of modelled ice sheet extension during last glacial maximum
A numerical ice-sheet model was used to reconstruct the Late Weichselian glaciation of the Eurasian High Arctic, between Franz Josef Land and Severnaya Zemlya. An ice sheet was... -
Glacier front fluctuations (fig 2)
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Reconstructed early Weichselian ice-sheet extension
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Reconstructed late Weichselian ice-sheet limit
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Reconstructed ice-sheet limit in the Kara and Barents Sea area at about 50,00...
Glacial landforms in northern Russia, from the Timan Ridge in the west to the east of the Urals, have been mapped by aerial photographs and satellite images supported by field... -
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