Diatom assemblage of the sediment short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, Siberia
This data set is an extension to the previously published data in a bundled publication (Stieg et al., 2024a) from the Russian Lake Khamra (59.99°N, 112.98°E, 340 m a.s.l.),... -
Diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana...
This dataset provides counts of diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. Counts per taxon are presented against both... -
Diatom counts from sediment core HZM19, Holzmaar (West-Eifel Volcanic Field, ...
Diatom analyses were done following (Battarbee, 1986; Battarbee et al., 2002; doi:10.2478/s11756-019-00407-8). Including an updated list of names. The sediment core HZM19 was... -
Biological indicator records (diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, freshwater inverteb...
Here, we present diatom (Bacillariophyceae), chrysophyte (Chrysophyceae), and zoological indicator (Chironomidae, other aquatic insect, planktonic crustaceans, Bryozoa,... -
Holocene diatom data from Lake Tavatui (Russia): diatom abundances and quanti...
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Diatom assemblage of sediment core IOW211660-1
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Diatom assemblage of sediment core IOW211630-13
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Diatom distribution in sediment core PG2208
A total of 37 samples from sediment core PG2208 were analyses for diatoms, of which we found valves in 32 samples. For species analysis we prepared diatom slides for light... -
Diatom species assemblage of sediment core PG2208-1
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Diatom species assemblage of sediment core PG2139-1
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Diatom species assemblage of sediment core PG2133
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Diatom record of Hoton-Nur Lake (Khoton Nuur), Mongolian Altai, Mongolia, cov...
Results of the diatom analysis of the Hoton-2 core. Concentration values (×10^6 valves/gr) are provided for each level. -
Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1756
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Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1755
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Diatoms of composite core PG2023
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Standardized diatom data of sediment core PG2023 from Lake Kyutyunda (Yakutia...
This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized diatom count data of sediment... -
Relative abundance of diatoms in sediment core PG1205
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Diatoms and their abundances in the Late Holocene sediments of Core LV77-3-1 ...
Diatoms from 87 sediment samples of the Core LV77-3-1 collected in southern part of Chukchi Sea were examined to reconstruct paleoenvironments of last millennia and correlate... -
Diatom abundances in sediment core TOC11-04
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Relative abundance of diatom species in sediment core PG1111
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