Soil and environmental data of a pasture of Andossi in the Italian Alps
IUSS Working Group WRB (2015) World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014 - Update 2015) -
Macroremains from sediment core Zamostye, Kursk region, Russia
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Bacillus spp. from the citrus microbiome under HLB disease pressure
Bacillus is a well-studied bacterial genus of Gram-positive and spore-forming bacteria, commonly soil-borne and plant-associated. Many Bacillus species produce a range of... -
Diversity of symbiotic cyanobacteria in cycad coralloid roots using a short-r...
Cycads are the only gymnosperms forming a symbiosis with nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria, inhabiting a specialized organ: the coralloid roots. Our research investigates the... -
Data from : In situ soil imaging, a tool for monitoring the hourly to monthly...
This dataset displays the data and R code used in the paper "In situ soil imaging, a tool for monitoring the hourly to monthly temporal dynamics of soil biota". The studied site... -
Macroremains from the study site Omelchenki, Kharkiv region, Ukraine
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Seagrass traits (ramet level) in Unguja Island (Zanzibar Archipealgo, Tanzani...
We studied if functional traits related to resource preemption (light and inorganic nutrients) exert control on space preemption of tropical seagrass meadows. Additionally, we... -
Soil composition and physical parameters of agricultural field margins of Sou...
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Height, diameter, biomass, leaf area, and relative height volume growth of Eu...
Light is an exceptionally important but often limited resource. Light availability determines seedling survival, establishment, and growth. Regardless of species identity, trees...