Cascading magnetization plateaus in monoclinic CoV2O6
The aim of this proposal is to understand the origin of the cascade of magnetisation plateaus in monoclinic CoV2O6. While 1/3 plateaus have been reported in the literature,... -
Magnetic excitation in Sr2IrO4 : Establishing links to Cuprate superconductors
The strontium iridate Sr2IrO4 has recently received a special attention because of its closeresemblance to undoped high-Tc cuprate in terms of structural, electronic, and... -
Magnetic excitation spectrum of the Helimagnetic Spinel compound ZnCr2Se4
ZnCr2Se4 is a magnetically frustrated spinel compound with an incommensurate ground state. At low temperatures it displays a spin spiral structure propagating along the (100)... -
MAPS calibration
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Exotic spin excitations in a quasi one-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg magnet
Very recently, string states have been identified for the first time in antiferromagnetic Heisenberg-Ising chain SrCo2V2O8 in longitudinal magnetic fields using high-resolution... -
Roles of magnetic anisotropy and inter site exchange interactions in the temp...
NdMnO3 exhibits A-type antiferromagnetism with TN =73 K. At 15 K, Nd sublattice orders with a (0, -Fy, 0) type ferromagnetic arrangement. Mn spin reorientation from (Ax, Fy, 0)...