Examining magnetic correlations and dynamics in the metallic non-collinear an...
Non-collinear antiferromagnets are currently an area of much active research due to their potential use in creating robust spintronic and spin memory devices. We have recently... -
Finite temperature intraband magnon scattering in the Haldane chain compound ...
The spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain (or Haldane chain) is a model system which was predicted by Duncan Haldane to have gapped magnon excitations due to an underlying topological... -
Excitation Spectrum of the Topological Spin Order in SrFeO3
Spin dynamics in multi-q noncoplanar ordered structures (e.g. skyrmion lattices) is an active topic of research. The cubic perovskite SrFeO3 has a variety of multiple-q magnetic... -
Magnetic excitation spectra in the field induced quantum phases of the quasi-...
We propose to investigate the magnetic excitation spectra in the three accessible magnetic ordered phases of the quasi-1D S-1/2 Ising-like antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8 by single... -
Magnetic Excitations in 50% Cu substituted BaFe2-xCuxAs2
We find unusual antiferromagnetic order in Cu heavily overdoped BaFeCuAs2 with the order wave vector at (0.5 0.5 1). This anitiferromagnetic signal cannot come from the parent... -
Magnetic Excitations in 50% Cu substituted BaFe2-xCuxAs2
We find unusual antiferromagnetic order in Cu heavily overdoped BaFeCuAs2 with the order wave vector at (0.5 0.5 1). This anitiferromagnetic signal cannot come from the parent...