Composition of the clast fraction in surface sediments for the Lazarev Sea, s...
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Understanding Surfactant-Semiconducting Polymer Interactions for Optimisation...
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Inelastic Neutron Scattering Investigations of Hydration Layers on Cobalt Oxi...
We propose to collect INS data with TOSCA on nanoparticles of CoO and Co3O4 with different levels of hydration and size to study the effect of these parameters on the heat... -
The structure of mucin at large distances - a spin-echo SANS study
Mucus is a bio-gel, an opaque and slimy secretion that forms a continuous ¿blanket¿ adherent to epithelial surfaces in mammalian organs (eye, nose, conductive airways,... -
calcite oil interface
The interface of CaCO3 (calcite) and oil is of paramount importance in a number of key academic and industrial areas, not least oil recovery. Neutron reflection has proved to be... -
Neutron Scattering, Agricultural Wastes, Concrete & Water mobility: What can ...
In recent years, the research related to agricultural wastes aiming to evaluate their potential for recycling as well as the elimination of the landfills increased dramatically.... -
The Effect of Polydispersity on the Self Assembly of Diblock Copolymers
Block copolymers are of interest due to their ability to undergo microphase separation. Originally block copolymers were produced with a low polydispersity index (PDI) as they...