The Effect of Temperature on the Formation of Surfactant-Metal Ion Multilayer...
We have now established that multilayering at the air-water interface is a widespread phenomenon brought about by multivalent ions, whether polyelectrolyte, oligoelectrolyte or... -
Autoxidation vs. Ozonolysis of Surfactant Mixtures Containing Poly-unsaturate...
Surface-active molecules with water-loving and water-hating parts have been found to contribute substantially to the man-made urban aerosol load originating from cooking... -
Protein nanosheets assembled structures at the air-water interfaces for cell ...
Cell adhesion and proliferation at the surface of liquids such as oil droplets is a surprising phenomenon as it is typically accepted in the field of bioengineering that cells... -
Mixed Amino-Acid Based Surfactant Monolayers
Amino acid based surfactants have been known for many years but so far few detailed studies have been carried out on their properties. We are using amino acids extracted from... -
Tuneable Creation of Reservoir Structures at the Air/Water Interface
Recently we have exploited non-equilibrium effects in the preparation of super-efficient polyelectrolyte/surfactant films at the air/water interface spread from the dissociation... -
Effect of polar solvent on the structure of monolayers of phospholipid
It is the aim of the proposal is to perform neutron reflectivity (NR) studies combined with contrast variation to determine the structure of phospholipid monolayers on a... -
Steroidal drug containing dodecyl sulphate monolayers: effect of counterion
An number of potential drugs, including steroidal drugs are extremely water insoluble, limiting their commercialisation as medicines. Solubilisation of drug in surfactant... -
Study of mixed biopolymers at the oil-water interface
Proteins are important in many applications ranging from the stabilisation of emulsions (oil-water interface) to foams (air-water interface). Understanding the relationship... -
Lipodepsipeptides and Brown Blotch Disease in Mushrooms (ii) the role of tola...
Tolaasin is a lipodepsipeptide (lipo = hydrophobic side chain, depsipeptide is an amino acid ring closed in a particular way) produced by strains of Pseudomonas tolaasii, and it... -
Lipopolysaccharide Functions as Bacterial Receptors to Antimicrobial Peptides
Neutron reflection (NR) is well established for studying molecular films such as lipid monolayers. Its high depth resolution combined with deuterium labelling can determine the... -
Adsorption of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies at the Air/liquid Interface b...
The air/water interface works as the simplest model for screening protein adsorption. Many previous studies have been made to examine protein adsorption at this interface.... -
How N-acyl amino acid surfactants adsorption at the air/water interface helps...
N-acyl amino acids are promising anionic amphiphilic molecules, which consist of a linear aliphatic chain (hydrophobic tail) and an amino-acid residue (polar head). Although... -
Investigation of surface conjugation of proteins in lipid membrane using neut...
Bilayer lipid membranes and their interactions with the integral or peripheral proteins serve as one of the key mechanism in various cellular functions like communication, cell... -
Investigation of PVC plasticizers on phospholipid monolayers
Plastic bags are used as containers for storage of donated blood. These bags are typically made out of PVC plasticized with dialkylphthalates (e.g. DEHP), which migrates into... -
Neutron reflectivity studies of the interaction of Amphotericin B with biomim...
Bio-surfactants that can be harvested from micro-organisms are of particular interest, because these can potentially be harvested in high yield and at low cost. In this category... -
This dataset has no description
Interfacial structures and competitive adsorption of amphiphilic polymers wit...
Foam stability, appearance and functionality is governed by the thin liquid films between foam bubbles. These films are stabilised by surface active molecules (surfactants and... -
What is the reactivity of marine atmospheric aerosol to oxidation? A study of...
The Earth's climate is strongly influenced by clouds. The oxidative processing of pollutants in clouds affects droplet size and optical properties, important effects. Common... -
Monolayer behaviour of DMPC and DEHP with cholesterol
Donated blood is typically stored in bags made of PVC plasticized with DEHP. DEHP migrates into the blood and the amount in the blood cells can be 5 to 10% of the phospholipid... -
NR Investigation of Structural Basis Underlying Synergistic Binding of Lipope...
In this part of the proposed work, we wish to explore how antibiotics and antimicrobial peptides interact with model lipid bilayers in the form of a supported lipid bilayer,...