Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-12)
SW data are rejected for about 20 minutes on Dec 14 because water drops from an automatic washing machine remained and covered over the instruments windows. -
Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-11)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-10)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-09)
Electric power supply stopped on September 7th and 9th, so, the measurements had to be suspended for several hours on these two days. -
Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-08)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-07)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-04)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-06)
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Basic measurements of radiation at station Minamitorishima (2024-05)
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