Precipitation Scaling Data Set (Vögeli et al., Frontiers)
Dataset (Model input, snow distribution and validation) for the precipitation scaling paper, which should be cited along with the data set citation. This data is useful for... -
Photogrammetric Drone Data Dorfberg
The data was collected with a Wingtra Gen II drone and a Sony RX1R II sensor. In total, 10 flights were conducted at different dates, both in summer and winter. A DSM, an... -
MOSAIC Snow on Sea Ice Data
Data accompanying David Wagners' Dissertation. Covers model results and various input from ALPINE3D and SNOWPACK adjusted for sea ice during MOSAiC. -
Snow depth, canopy structure and meterorological datasets from the Davos area...
This dataset contains all snow, canopy and meteorological data presented and used in the publication: Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., Moeser, D. & Jonas T. (2020) 'Resolving... -
ALS-based snow depth and canopy height maps from flights in 2017 (Grisons, CH...
This dataset includes snow depth, canopy height and terrain elevation maps of forest stands in the Grisons (CH) and at Grand Mesa (CO,USA) derived from airborne lidar. Data were...