Expedition to Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Station, 2016/2017
This dataset contains the data acquired during the expedition to Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Station in December 2016 and January 2017. The dataset consits of meterorological... -
Wind crust formation: SnowMicroPen data
This dataset contains the SnowMicroPen (SMP) data from 38 wind tunnel experiments on wind-packing / wind crust formation. These experiments were performed in the winters 2015/16... -
WFJ_RHOSSA: Multi-instrument stratigraphy data for the seasonal evolution of ...
The WFJ_RHOSSA dataset contains multi-instrument, multi-resolution snow stratigraphy measurements for the seasonal evolution of the snowpack from the Weissfluhjoch research... -
WFJ_ICE_LAYERS: Multi-instrument data for monitoring deep ice layer formation...
The WFJ_ICE_LAYERS dataset contains multi-instrument snowpack measurements at high temporal resolution, which enable to monitor the formation of deep ice layers due to... -
SnowMicroPen measurements and manual snowpits from Dronning Maud Land, East A...
SnowMicroPen (SMP) measurements and manual snowpits from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Measurements were taken in the vicinity of the Belgium Princess Elisabeth Station...