Slovenian Public Opinion 2010
Slovensko javno mnenje (SJM) 2010 je raziskava, ki je bila opravljena kot del Evropske družboslovne raziskave 2010 (ESS 2010). ESS je akademsko vodena mednarodna anketa, ki je... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2022/2
Tako kot dosedanje raziskave SJM je tudi tokratna raziskava izvedena v obliki standardizirane ankete na verjetnostnem vzorcu polnoletnih prebivalcev Slovenije. Tokratni SJM so... -
Euromodule je raziskovalna iniciativa, katere cilj je nadziranje in sistematska analiza trenutnega stanja in spremembe življenjskih pogojev in kvalitete življenja v Evropi v... -
United Kingdom Omnibus: Poverty and Social Exclusion Module, 2012
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom project is the largest research project of its... -
Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Household Resources and Standards ...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This is a quantitative data collection. This study aimed to collect comprehensive information on all... -
MORI Living in Britain Survey, 1983: 'Breadline Britain'
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Living in Britain Survey, 1983 took the form of a public opinion poll conducted amongst adults in... -
Millennium Survey of Poverty and Social Exclusion, 1999
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Millennium Survey of Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) was designed to update the Breadline Britain... -
Survey of Quality of Life in Older Age, 2000-2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This study is part of the Growing Older: Extending Quality of Life research programme funded by the... -
Neighbourhood Boundaries, Social Disorganisation and Social Exclusion, 2001-2002
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The central aim of the research was to investigate the underlying premises of UK neighbourhood crime... -
Adult Learners' Lives, 2002-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Adult Learners' Lives project was a major National Research and Development Centre (NRDC) research... -
Cultural Capital and Social Exclusion: a Critical Investigation, 2003-2005
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This mixed method study uses focus groups, a national random survey, and follow-up household interviews... -
European Quality of Life Time Series, 2007 and 2011: Open Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The European Quality of Life Time Series, 2007 and 2011 dataset was prepared as open access data,... -
Data and Displacement Project Archive, 2021-2022
This archive includes interview materials gathered from the Data and Displacement project at the University of Warwick. The materials included here are: 1. Transcripts from... -
The Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in Autistic and Non-autistic Adults, 2019
This dataset comprises 752 participant records of autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic people who were invited via online survey to complete measures of thwarted... -
European Quality of Life Survey Integrated Data File, 2003-2016
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Carried out every four years, the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) examines both the objective... -
ONS Omnibus Survey, January 2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus... -
ONS Omnibus Survey, March 2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus... -
ONS Omnibus Survey, April 2001
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (formerly known as the ONS Opinions Survey or Omnibus) is an omnibus... -
Sectarianism, Intolerance and Racism in Glasgow, 2002
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Intolerance and racism have, as in the rest of the UK, long been issues of concern in Scotland.... -
Counselling and Society: a Case Study of Voluntary Sector Counselling Provisi...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This research project examined the changing place of voluntary sector counselling in Scottish society by...