The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study was designed to investigate the role of social influence on the transmission of behaviour. The study was carried out online and compared the degree to which the... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study was designed to investigate the role of social influence on the transmission of behaviour. The study was carried out online and compared the degree to which the... -
The role of social identity on the 'contagious' transmission of yawning: Stud...
This study investigated the degree to which social identity influenced the transmission of behaviour, specifically yawning behaviour. This was an online experimental study that... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 1, 2016-...
This experiment was the first of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 2, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 3, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
The effects of in-group relations on the spread of aggression: Study 4, 2016-...
This experiment was one of a series of experiments aimed at investigating the role of social identity as an alternative explanation to 'automatic' contagion for of the spread of... -
Shared group membership predicts unintended social influence in a novel inter...
This study used an innovative design which presented a large number of participants (N = 1139) with the opportunity to take part in an interactive game which measured the degree... -
Eating Together: Effects of the Social Context of Eating on Appetite, 2018-2021
This archive contains the data files for a series of experiments that were conducted to advance our understanding of the mechanisms involved in social facilitation of eating,...