Youth 2015 (Cumulation 2002, 2006, 2010, 2015)
Values, interests, wishes and social understanding of young people. Cumulative data set of Shell youth studies in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2015. Topics: The following topics are... -
Eurobarometer 77.3 (2012)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 79.3 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 79.2 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Eurobarometer 80.1 (2013)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 366 (Quality of Life in European Cities)
Quality of life in European cities. Topics: satisfaction with the following facilities and issues in the own city: public transport, health care services, sports facilities,... -
Eurobarometer 81.2 (March 2014)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
EU Neighbourhood Barometer Wave 3 - Spring 2013
Attitudes towards the European Union. Cooperation between the EU and the own country. Trust in institutions. Civil society. Global crisis. Employment. Topics: 1. Attitudes... -
EU Neighbourhood Barometer Wave 2 - Autumn 2012
Attitudes towards the European Union. Cooperation between the EU and the own country. Trust in institutions. Globalisation. Global crisis. Environment. Energy. Topics: 1.... -
EU Neighbourhood Barometer Wave 6 - Autumn 2014
Attitudes towards the European Union. Cooperation between the EU and the own country. Trust in institutions. Global crisis. Culture. Topics: 1. Attitudes towards the European... -
The Potsdam Grievance Statistic File (PGSF)
The Potsdam Grievance Statistics File (PGSF) is a historical data collection of complaints, so-called Eingaben, made in the GDR. Eingaben were formulated verbally or in written... -
Generation Y
Life situation and attitude towards life. Attitudes towards profession, work and family. Attitudes towards society and politics. Political participation and social engagement.... -
Flash Eurobarometer 419 (Quality of Life in European Cities 2015)
Quality of life in European cities. Topics: satisfaction with the following facilities and issues in the own city: public transport, health care services, sports facilities,... -
Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), 2016
The second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II) was conducted in 2016 by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) as a follow-up to... -
International Mobil
The study focuses on three main aspects: first, on the socio-structural characteristics of internationally mobile Germans, second, on the motivation for individual mobility... -
Eurobarometer 88.1 (2017)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries.... -
Science Barometer 2016
Since 2014, Wissenschaft im Dialog has been using the science barometer to collect population-representative data on the attitudes of German citizens towards science and... -
Science Barometer 2015
Since 2014, Wissenschaft im Dialog has been using the science barometer to collect population-representative data on the attitudes of German citizens towards science and... -
Science Barometer 2014
Since 2014, Wissenschaft im Dialog has been using the science barometer to collect population-representative data on the attitudes of German citizens towards science and... -
Science Barometer 2017
Since 2014, Wissenschaft im Dialog has been using the science barometer to collect population-representative data on the attitudes of German citizens towards science and...