Phase behaviour in Polymer-Photovoltaic Thin Film Blends
In polymer-fullerene based photovoltaic systems the phase behaviour of the blends is poorly understood and remains a fundamental stumbling block to improvements in device... -
Molecular architecture of monolayers formed by novel sterol-modified phosphol...
A family of sterol-modified glycerophospholipids (SML) have been synthesized in which the sn-1 or sn-2 position is covalently attached to cholesterol and the alternative... -
The hydrophobic interaction A peptides and a lipid monolayer at the o...
This proposal relates to the study on the fundamental level, the hydrophobic interaction A peptides and a lipid monolayer at the oil-water interface. NR will be used to... -
How polymer functionality influences multilayer formation at the interface in...
Spontaneous multilayer formation at interfaces from surfactant self assembly is emerging as an important structural signature associated with a wide range of potential... -
The Kinetics of Self-Exchange of a Protein at Solid/Liquid interfaces
The formation of a protein corona occurs on all surfaces exposed to biological systems and understanding of how this corona forms is vital for many aspects of medicine and for... -
Planar bilayer formation on novel cationic surface suitable for membrane prot...
Membrane receptor proteins (MRPs) which are thought to represent the majority of drug targets are challenging to study as their structure and function is dependent on being... -
Does ozone initiate damage to the main pulmonary surfactant lipid, DPPC, or c...
Exposure to ozone gas can cause inflammation of the airways and breathing difficulties. The initial reaction of ozone is thought to be predominantly with lipids present in the... -
Floating Lipid Bilayers Created by Vesicle Fusion
'Floating LSupported Bilayers' (FSB's) have become the 'standard' systems used for studying membrane systems using reflectivity at ISIS and other facilities. They are reliable,... -
Interactions between a mixture containing two cationic polyelectrolytes and a...
Recently there has been a vast expansion in understanding about the interactions between oppositely charged polyelectrolyte/surfactant mixtures. The use of neutron reflectometry... -
Using polymer / surfactant mixtures to optimise / enhance perfume delivery to...
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Conformation of lipid, DSPC and cholesterol mixture
In this proposal we intend to investigate the intermolecular interactions in a mixed phospholipid/cholesterol monolayer at the oil-water interface using neutron reflectometry.... -
Surface activity of biosurfactant (sophorolipid) / surfactant mixtures
Understanding the fundamental aspects of the surface adsorption and self-assembly of biosurfactant and biosurfactant / conventional surfactant mixtures is a major challenge for... -
An investigation on the adsorption of reverse pluronic and additives on metal...
PPO-PEO-PPO copolymer-based lubricant with extreme pressure or friction modifier additives has been introduced as boundary lubricant in metal forming. The Pluronic reverse... -
Neutron reflectivity study of bacterial lipopolysaccharide interactions with ...
Bacterial LPS (endotoxin) is a key determinant of host/pathogen interactions. We propose to investigate the role of membrane lateral phase separation on LPS insertion into model... -
Model biomembrane dendrimer interactions
The objective of the present study is to investigate the interaction between PAMAM dendrimers and solid supported model biomembranes of high fluidity. These membranes consist of... -
Competitive and cooperative adsorption of lysozyme and human serum albumin
All solid surfaces in contact with biological systems form a protein corona and the nature of this corona determines the further response of the biosystem to that solid surface... -
Interfacial adsorption of monoclonal antibody and antigen binding
Antibody-antigen binding has been extensively used in many technological applications such as immunoassays, chemical analysis and bionanotechnology. The crucial element... -
Understanding the Affect of Lipid Tail Saturation on Anaesthetic Interaction ...
The mechanism of general anaesthetic action is poorly understood despite their widespread use. It is hoped that investigating the interaction of anaesthetics with lipid bilayers... -
Incorporation of PAN-pyrene swollen micelles in crosslinked polyelectrolyte f...
We have been studying the formation of solid polymer-surfactant films at the air-solution interface formed from cationic surfactants with PEI. We wish to use the micelles... -
Realistic bacterial membrane mimetics to understand antimicrobial activity & ...
We will use neutron reflectivity measurements of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) layers at the air-water interface to help develop a realistic mimetic for the periphery of bacteria...