Gridded habitat ranges of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) gathered from histori...
Until the middle of the 20th century, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was an important migratory fish species in the Elbe River. We mapped historical habitat ranges of... -
Historical salmon (Salmo salar) catches in the Elbe catchment since the 16th ...
Until the middle of the 20th century, the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was an important migratory fish species in the Elbe River. Its decline and disappearance from the river... -
Raw reads from Atlantic Salmon, produced by the Aqua Genome project.
Aquaculture and fisheries of Atlantic salmon and cod face considerable future challenge from factors including disease, climate change, and product quality. This project aims to... -
Assembly of a female Atlantic salmon using long reads
We sequenced a female Atlantic salmon using the PromethION instrument from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and polished the assembly using Illumina reads. -
Holofood Salmon 16S amplicon sequencing
Holofood Salmon 16S amplicon sequencing -
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profile...
We mapped DNA methylation in 580 animal species (535 vertebrates, 45 invertebrates), resulting in 2443 genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles of primary tissue... -
Antibiotic effects on the gut microbiota of salmon.
Background: The intestinal microbiota of certain farmed fish is often exposed to antimicrobial substances, such as antibiotics, that are used to prevent and treat bacterial... -
Assembly of a male Atlantic salmon using long reads
We sequenced a male Atlantic salmon using the PromethION instrument from Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and polished the assembly using Illumina reads. -
Host-pathogen interaction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the ectoparasi...
Marine farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are repeatedly susceptible to amoebic gill disease (AGD) caused by the ectoparasite Neoparamoeba perurans over their life cycle. The... -
Inter-population variation in the Atlantic salmon microbiome reflects environ...
Microbial communities have a crucial influence on host phenotype, and are of broad interest to ecological and evolutionary research. Yet, the extent of variation that occurs in... -
Black Soldier Fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal is a viable protein source ...
The goal is to assess the impact of black soldier fly larvae meal inclusion in diets for Atlantic salmon on gut microbiota. -
Authentication of teleost fish species
In the present project we aimed to develop a method for authentication of seafood using high throughput DNA shotgun sequencing -
Nanopore sequencing facilitates screening of diversity and provenance of seaf...
Long-read whole genome sequencing of seafood products. -
Germline mutation rate in vertebrates
We estimated the germline mutation rate of 68 species of vertebrates using WGS of pedigrees (i.e. at least 3 individuals mother, father, and their offspring). -
Atlantic salmon microbiota
Atlantic salmon skin mucus and surrounding water have been sampled at production facilities both in freshwater and after transfer to seawater. Extracted DNA is sequenced using... -
Effects of increased CO2 on fish gill and plasma proteome
Ocean acidification and warming are both primarily caused by increased levels of atmospheric CO2, and marine organisms are exposed to these two stressors simultaneously.... -
Size-dependent resistance to amoebic gill disease in naive Atlantic salmon (S...
Amoebic gill disease, caused by the protozoan ectoparasite Neoparamoeba perurans, remains a significant threat to commercial Atlantic salmon aquaculture operations worldwide.... -
Distal intestinal microbiome of Salmo salar
Functional ingredients are frequently used in feeds for Atlantic salmon often presuming that it would improve immune functions in the intestine and reduce severity of intestinal... -
Immunomodulatory effects of dietary seaweeds in LPS challenged Atlantic salmo...
Seaweeds may represent immunostimulants that could be used as health-promoting fish feed components thereby offering an alternative for the use of antibiotics. This study was... -
Salmo salar raw sequence reads - Lake Champlain
RNA-seq data collected from offspring of thiamine deficient parents. Sampled from 9 families of unique parentage, including 2 thiamine-treated and 2 thiamine-untreated...