Combined MODIS TERRA/AQUA Snow and Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI6.0) data f...
The data contains improved daily MODIS Terra/Aqua combined snow-cover merged with Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI6.0) product for the year 2020. The data is associated with the... -
Alkenone unsaturation index, remote sensing seasona, annual SST and chlorophy...
Further funding information: Calibração de proxies geoquímicos de paleotemperatura: estudo de caso na margem continental sudeste do Brasil, Award: 2017/14205-4 CAPES, Award: 001 -
Size-fractionated chlorophyll and physico-chemical variables at three coastal...
Within the framework of the project “Sustaining Research Project, Marine Environmental Studies in the Arabian Gulf – Phase VI”, three coastal stations at Manifa, Khobar and... -
Time series of transient snowline altitudes for High Mountain Asia, 1985–2021...
Here we present a dataset of Transient Snowline Altitude (TSLA) measurements for glaciers in High Mountain Asia (HMA) based on Landsat satellite imagery and digital elevation... -
Improved MODIS TERRA/AQUA composite Snow and glacier (RGI6.0) data for High M...
The data contains improved daily MODIS Terra/Aqua combined snow-cover merged with Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI6.0) product for the year 2020. The data is associated with the...