Dataset: Alkali jon diffusion och struktur för kemiskt härdade TiO2 dopade so...
Diffusion kinetics and structural properties of chemically strengthened titania-doped soda-lime silicate glasses were studied by depth-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,... -
Acoustic wave propagation through solar granulation
Movies of a wave packet and its statistical moments propagating through a time- and space-dependent random medium -
Vibrational Properties on Different Bonded AlH6 Octahedra in Na3AlH6, CaAlH5 ...
Aluminum based complex hydrides are interested in hydrogen storage materials. In the complex hydrides, Na3AlH6, CaAlH5 and AlH3 have a common crystallographic feature with AlH6... -
A Total Scattering Study of Local Structure in BIMEVOXes
The BIMEVOXes are an important family of fast oxide ion conducting solids that exhibit very high conductivities at low and intermediate temperatures. A study of local ordering... -
A Total Scattering Study of the Solubilising Mechanism of a Hydrotrope.
We request 5 days on NIMROD to collect total scattering data of aspirin and caffeine at pH7 and pH3 in order to determine the origin of the effect of the hydrotrope caffeine on... -
In-situ Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of a Gas Loaded Aluminium-carboxyl...
We request 9 days on TOSCA to study the interaction of adsorbed SO2 and NO2 gas molecules with a porous aluminium-based metal-organic framework (MOF) as a function of gas... -
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Study of the Adsorption of Amine ¿functionalis...
Amine-functionalised poly(alkylene oxides) are used extensively as swelling inhibitors in water-based drilling fluids. This study will broaden our understanding of the mechanism... -
The Neutron Scattering Spin Resonance: A probe of the momentum structure of t...
We propose to use MERLIN to examine the full magnetic excitation spectrum Chi¿(q,w) of optimally doped Fe based superconductor BaFe1.84Co0.16As2. The primary goal of this... -
Structures of New Oxides from Total Scattering
Our objective is to determine accurate structural models for some novel oxide materials that we have recently prepared using new synthesis approaches, each of which is formed as... -
Dental Cements and Inelastic Neutron Scattering: Meeting the Challenges of To...
In typical odontological studies water sorption in the restoration material is determined by weighing freshly mixed cement at regular intervals. In the case of resin-modified... -
Neutron Compton Scattering of Soft Layered Materials
Although graphite and hexagonal boron nitride lie at the heart of many technological applications, their accurate theoretical description using density-functional-theory-based... -
Total Scattering Study of Hexagonal and Rhombohedral Bi2O3 Based Electrolytes
Bismuth oxide based electrolytes have been widely studied due to their high oxide ion conductivity. The d-phase of Bi2O3 shows the highest known oxide-ion conductivity of any... -
Monitoring Gamma Prime Evolution in Superalloys using Small Angle Neutron Sca...
The aim of the experiment is to monitor the temporal evolution of gamma prime precipitates in three polycrystalline nickel base superalloys using Sans2D. This instrument is... -
The Dynamics of Breathing Metal-Organic Frameworks from Total Scattering
Metal-organic framework materials are a topical family of nanoporous solids that have potential applications in molecular storage, separation and catalysis. Some of these... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Investigation of the Interactions Between a Meta...
We have synthesised a Co centred and an In centred MOF which represent the first examples of MOFs in which the channels are functionalized by both acidic carboxyl and basic... -
The Dynamics of Breathing Metal-Organic Frameworks from Total Scattering
Metal-organic framework materials are a family of nanoporous solids that have potential applications in molecular storage, separation and catalysis. Some of these materials show... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Analysis of hydration layers on SnO2 and CoO Nan...
INS provides an ideal probe to determine the vibrational density of states of water confined on the surface of metal-oxide nanoparticles from which the thermodynamic properties... -
In Situ Inelastic Neutron Scattering Studies of Gas-Loaded Porous Framework S...
We request 12 days on TOSCA to study the interaction of adsorbed N2, CO2, CH4 and NO with a hydroxyl-decorated aluminium-based MOF NOTT-300. This proposed study will investigate... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Investigations of Hydration Layers on Cobalt Oxi...
We propose to collect INS data with TOSCA on nanoparticles of CoO and Co3O4 with different levels of hydration and size to study the effect of these parameters on the heat... -
Total Scattering Study of Caesium and Thallium Azides
This proposal seeks to conduct total-scattering studies on thallium and caesium azides to investigate the effect of temperature on the atomic motions, particularly of the azide...