Scots pine _ Norway spruce_Field measurement data_Related samples
It contains 122 Scots pine trees and 146 Norway spruce trees. The data is an excel file which contains the following measurements for each species. they were used to analyze the... -
FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Scots pine
The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese... -
FEM growth and yield data mixed species forest
The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese... -
FEM growth and yield data Monocultures – Scots pine (revised version)
The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese... -
Gas exchange and isotopic data of Scots pine seedlings exposed to heat and ho...
The data describes plant gas exchange dynamics and isotopic signatures of respiration, tissues and compounds of Pinus sylvestris seedlings exposed to a control, heat and...