Geophysical borehole Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault (GONAF)
GONAF (Geophysical borehole Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault) is a joint research venture between GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) and the Turkish Disaster and... -
Eifel Large-N contribution of temporary stations by the Goethe University Fra...
Temporary stations of the Goethe University Frankfurt as contribution to the virtual network _EIFELLNX. Waveform data is available from the GEOFON data centre, under network... -
TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) AFGHANISTAN 2
The Pamir-Hindu Kush region of Tajikistan and NE Afghanistan stands out due to its worldwide unique zone of intense intermediate depth seismicity, accommodating frequent Mw 7+... -
The goal of Inter-Wind is to investigate and predict the induced seismic signals of wind turbines at different locations in Southern Germany. The experiments involve various... -
DESTRESS - Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs
DESTRESS is a Horizon-2020 supported project (Topic: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies) that is concerned with creating EGS (enhanced... -
Monitoring the unrest of ElHierro Island with seismic observations
The unrest of el Hierro Islands started in 2011 with a submarine volcanic eruption. In order to better characterize unrest of El Hierro Island 9 landstations were installed on... -
BRAVOSEIS Onshore Seismic Array
The Bransfield Strait is a seismically active extensional rift located between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. The Strait is partly located on... -
Cyclades project 2002-2005 and Libyan Sea offshore project 2003-2004, RUB Boc...
The focus of the two temporary seismic networks CYCNET and LIBNET was to monitor the south Aegean region which has the highest seismic activity in Europe. The knowledge of... -
Project BRAVOSEIS: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Bransfiel...
BRAVOSEIS (Bransfield Volcano Seismology) is an interdisciplinary project exploring volcanism in the Bransfield back-arc basin, Antarctica. Partners from Spain (amongst others... -
The Jutland-to-Lower-Saxony (JULS) profile
This project investigates the crust and upper mantle along a north-south oriented, about 350 km long profile from around the town of Ringkøbing in western Jutland to south of... -
TIPTEQ-Temporary seismological network (North) (2004/2005)
Understanding the factors leading to large earthquakes in the coupling zone of convergent margins and their interrelation with surface deformation were the main aims of the... -
The Swath-D Seismic Network in Italy and Austria
The SWATH-D experiment is dense deployment of 154 seismic stations in the Central and Eastern Alps between Italy and Austria, complementing the larger-scale sparser AlpArray... -
1-month seismological experiment on Etna, Italy in 2019
“1-month seismological experiment on Etna, Italy in 2019" is a 1-month seismological experi-ment realized near the Pizzi Deneri Observatory on Etna, Italy, by Eva Eibl and... -
The Irpinia seismic Array
Irpinia seismic Array is part of the DEnse mulTi-paramEtriC observations and 4D high resoluTion imaging (DETECT) project focused on the acquisition of a unique multiparametric... -
Temporary DAS Deployment associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill re...
From June to August 2021 the DEEPEN project deployed a dense seismic nodal network across the Hengill geothermal area in southwest Iceland to image and characterize faults and... -
SELASOMA Project, Madagascar 2012-2014
The island of Madagascar occupies a key region in both the assembly and the multi-stage breakup of Gondwanaland, itself part of the super-continent Pangaea. Madagascar consists... -
The ANCORP Seismic Network
Local seismic network in Northern Chile, Southern Bolivia. (Grant-number: GIPP199604) Waveform data is available from the GEOFON data centre. License: “Creative Commons... -
Seismological Characterization of the Geothermal Field Laboratory Rhineland
– A temporary seismic network consisting of 48 long-term and 15 short-term stations was deployed from June 2021 to June 2022. The network comprises 27 broadband stations and 20... -
The PUNA (Plateau Untersuchung Nw Argentinien) seismograph network was deployed across the Andes at ∼23.5°S. The array was centered in the backarc, atop the Puna high plateau in... -
The ReFuCA project: Receiver Functions Central Andes
A set of 60 seismological stations (45 short period and 15 broadband) was installed at 21°S between the coast in Chile (70°W) and the Eastern Cordillera in Bolivia (64°W) along...