Population structure of penaeid shrimps sampled in Tudor Creek (Kenya) betwee...
Data on relative abundances, counts, sex ratio, length and sizes of penaeid shrimps and corresponding abiotic parameters using different sampling gears in the waters of Tudor... -
Population structure of penaeid shrimps sampled in Tudor Creek (Kenya) betwee...
Data on relative abundances, counts, sex ratio, length and sizes of penaeid shrimps and corresponding abiotic parameters using different sampling gears in the waters of Tudor... -
Population structure of penaeid shrimps sampled in Tudor Creek (Kenya) betwee...
Data on relative abundances, counts, sex ratio, length and sizes of penaeid shrimps and corresponding abiotic parameters using different sampling gears in the waters of Tudor... -
Demographic data of hydrothermal vent Rimicaris shrimp populations collected ...
During the BICOSE 2 cruise in 2018 on board RV Pourquoi Pas ? (Cambon-Bonavita 2018, https://doi.org/10.17600/18000004), alvinocaridid shrimps were sampled at two deep-sea... -
Replication Data for: Male intrasexual aggression and partial dominance of fe...
In this repository there are R scripts and dataset to reproduce results and figures from our paper and Supplementary Material.