Kungsholmsprojektet - Kungsholmen födda 1912 eller tidigare
Kungsholmen Project was conducted between 1987 and 2000. It was a population study on aging with about 2500 people participating. The project, run by the Stockholm Gerontology... -
Kungsholmsprojektet - Kungsholmen födda 1915
Kungsholmen Project was conducted between 1987 and 2000. It was a population study on aging with about 2500 people participating. The project, run by the Stockholm Gerontology... -
Kungsholmsprojektet - St Göran födda 1902 eller tidigare
Kungsholmen Project was conducted between 1987 and 2000. It was a population study on aging with about 2500 people participating. The project, run by the Stockholm Gerontology... -
Kontrastförstärkt ultraljud av carotisplack
The study sample collected between 2009-2013 consist of in vivo images and data analyses of asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid atherosclerotic plaques. Purpose: In vivo... -
LSH studien Livsvillkor, Stress och Hälsa: Kohort 1
Also the welfare state of Sweden has prominent socioeconomic (SES) differences in health. These are seen for most measures of SES, i e for education, occupation and income, and... -
LSH studien Livsvillkor, Stress och Hälsa: Kohort 2
Also the welfare state of Sweden has prominent socioeconomic (SES) differences in health. These are seen for most measures of SES, i e for education, occupation and income, and... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Baslinjeundersökning
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Uppföljning år 2003-2006
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Stockholms Diabetes Preventiva Program (SDPP): Uppföljning år 2014-2017
Stockholm Diabetes Prevention Programme is a population based survey in which 3128 men and 4821 women (between the ages 35-56) from five municipalities of Stockholm County... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 15-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 17-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Y2K − Ungdom mot år 2000 - Insamling av data och prover från 20-åringarna
411 adolescents born in 1978 or 1979 in two socioeconomically different cities are included in the study. Collection of the material has occurred three times for each youth, at... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 6
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Åk 9
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016 - Gy åk 2
In the spring of 2016, public health survey "Barn och Unga i Skåne 2016" was conducted among school children in grade 6, grade 9 and high school grade 2, in all 33... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 8 månader
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 4 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Barnens miljöhälsoenkät 2011: 12 år
The Children's Environmental Health Survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on... -
Nationella miljöhälsoenkäten 2015
The environmental health survey is carried out in collaboration between the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and the Statistics Sweden, on behalf of... -
Populationsundersökningen av kvinnor i Göteborg (Kvinnoundersökningen, KVUS) ...
The population study of women in Gothenburg is a population study based at the University of Gothenburg. The study started as a cross-sectional study in 1968 including 1462...