Seawater carbonate chemistry and morphology and nutrient physiology of the co...
We investigated the effect of decreased pH on the morphology and nutrient physiology of the cosmopolitan marine diatom Thalassiosira rotula (CCMP3362) by acclimating unialgal... -
Content of organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen and opal for IODP Hole 344-...
The total weight percent of sedimentary carbon (% C) and nitrogen (% N), as well as inorganic carbon (% Cinorg) and organic carbon (% Corg) were measured using a macro elemental... -
(Table 4) Annual fluxes, percentages of total mass and most important element...
Note that the values for particular years were given, not for the entire sampling periods (Table 1). For 1992 (PF5) and 1994 (PF7), no full annual cycle was available. The flux... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, nitrogen availability, photosynthesi...
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2016) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Effects of high CO2 levels on the ecophysiology of the diatom Thalassiosira w...
Iron availability in seawater, namely the concentration of dissolved inorganic iron ([Fe']), is affected by changes in pH. Such changes in the availability of iron should be... -
Comparative responses of two dominant Antarctic phytoplankton taxa to interac...
We investigated the responses of the ecologically dominant Antarctic phytoplankton species Phaeocystis antarctica (a prymnesiophyte) and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (a diatom) to a... -
Particulate silica of the iron-fertilized area of trap T0-2
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Particulate silica of the OUT-patch defined iron-fertilized area of trap T11-...
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Particulate silica of the IN-patch defined iron-fertilized area of trap T7-9_J
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Particulate silica of the IN-patch defined iron-fertilized area of trap T7-9_BC
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Particulate silica of the IN-patch defined iron-fertilized area of trap T11-1...
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Particulate silica of the IN-patch defined iron-fertilized area of trap T11-1...
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Interpolated data of opal, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, opal/TOC and Ca...
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Particle fluxes for the sampling interval, various ratios and major nutrients...
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