Geochemical fingerprinting (EMPA) - Tephras contained in the lacustrine seque...
Tephrochronology has proven to be a very reliable dating tool in the context of northern New Zealand lakes as a consequence of the numerous volcanic centres present on the North... -
Sub-decadal diatom oxygen isotope record of the last 220 years (2015-1790CE) ...
The dataset includes diatom oxygen isotope data for 39 samples from short core EN18232-1, Lake Khamra, and corresponding key geochemical characteristics of the purified lake... -
Geochemical composition of tephra layers and grains in sediment core PS2644-5
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Geochemical composition of tephra layers and grains in sediment core PS2644-2
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(Table 2) Major and trace element concentrations in ODP Hole 108-658C sediments
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(Appendix 5) Trace element composition of serpentine, brucite pseudomorphs, a...
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(Appendix 5) Major element composition of brucite, iowaite, chlorite and serp...
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(Appendix 5) Major element composition of hydrothermal amphibole in DSDP and ...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Cation numbers on the basis of 23 O. -
(Appendix 4) Average major element composition of orthopyroxene of serpentini...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Standard deviation relative to average (raw composition data) or calculated error based on the Gaussian error propagation (cation numbers and... -
(Appendix 4) Average major element composition of olivine of serpentinized DS...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Standard deviation relative to average (raw composition data) or calculated error based on the Gaussian error propagation (cation numbers and... -
(Appendix 4) Average major element composition of clinopyroxene of serpentini...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Standard deviation relative to average (raw composition data) or calculated error based on the Gaussian error propagation (cation numbers and... -
(Appendix 3) Bulk rock major and trace element composition of selected DSDP/O...
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(Appendix A) Major element composition of serpentine, brucite, Fe- and Cl-ric...
Sample S021 = 84-566C-6-1,9-12 piece 1, 117.3 to 117.6 mbsf. -
(Table 2) Trace element composition of serpentine and seprentine-hydroxide ph...
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(Table 1-2) Sample summary and major element contents in DSDP and ODP cherts
Contents are given on volatile free base -
Microprobe analyses of ash particles from core GIK17962-4
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Microprobe analyses of ash particles from core GIK17961-2
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X-ray fluorescence analyses of single bulk sediment samples of core M78/1_181-3
The Mississippi River discharge effectively shaped the dynamics of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico during transient climates and interglacials, and reacted in response to... -
XRF measurements of major oxides and trace elements on bulk sediment of the 5...
During an expedition to the southern Barents Sea in 2021, 50 gravity cores were collected at about 350 m water depth at three sampling areas with known underlying hydrocarbon... -
Environmental measurements from the Ebro Delta coastal area during MERS-BLUEI...
The present dataset contains environmental variables: temperature, salinity, fluorescence, turbidity, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicon dioxide, total alkalinity, dissolved...