Interacting treatments with endogenous takeup (replication data)
Replication data and software code in R format for replicating the empirical results in the paper "Interacting Treatments with Endogenous Takeup" by Máté Kormos, Robert P.... -
Model averaging and double machine learning (replication data)
This is the replication repository for the paper "Model averaging and double machine learning" by Achim Ahrens, Christian Hansen, Mark Schaffer and Thomas Wiemann (Journal of... -
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering for selecting valid instrumental variab...
Description: This reproduction package includes: 1. A text-file describing how to access the data used in the application. 2. R-Code necessary for the replication of results.... -
Binary endogenous treatment in stochastic frontier models with an application...
This package contains the data files and Matlab scripts to reproduce the empirical application and Monte-Carlo simulations in the paper "Binary endogenous treatment in... -
When can we ignore measurement error in the running variable? (replication data)
In many applications of regression discontinuity designs, the running variable used to assign treatment is only observed with error. We show that, provided the observed running... -
Testing Identifying Assumptions in Bivariate Probit Models (replication data)
This paper considers the bivariate probit model's identifying assumptions: linear index specification, joint normality of errors, instrument exogeneity, and relevance. First, we...