Sedimentological bulk parameter of core NP94-18SL
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Sedimentologiccal bulk parameter of core NP94-14SL
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TOC, CaCO3, DBDD, WBD, water content, porosity, grain size, shear strength of...
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Sediment structure and deposition rates of sediment core PG2303 1
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Sediment structure and deposition rates of sediment core YC18 HB GCO1
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Sediment structure and deposition rates of sediment core YC18 PB SCO1
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Distribution of planktic foraminifera and stable istopes of sediment core MSM...
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(Fig. 4) Multiproxy data set of box core MSM5/5-712-1
A multiproxy data set of an AMS radiocarbon dated 46 cm long sediment core from the continental margin off western Svalbard reveals multidecadal climatic variability during the... -
Distribution of planktic foraminifera and stable istopes of sediment core MSM...
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Sedimentology and stratigraphy of core PS2887-2
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