Right thoughts, right words, right actions? The EU‘s application of the Cyber...
This dataset is the first to address the application of the EU's cyber diplomacy toolbox (CDT) by EU institutions/actors since 2017 until the end of May 2023. Based on this, the... -
Countercyclical Risk Aversion: Beyond Financial Professionals [Online Appendi...
We test if Cohn et al.’s (2015) experimental results on countercyclical risk aversion exhibited by financial professionals generalize to a standard student sample. In our... -
Hedging, ambiguity, and the reversal of order axiom [Dataset]
We ran experiments that gave subjects a straight-forward and simple opportunity to hedge away ambiguity in an Ellsberg-style experiment. Subjects had to make bets on the... -
Promoting water consumption using behavioral economics insights [Dataset]
Mexico has one of the largest overweight and obesity epidemics in the world and as a response, several actions aiming to reduce the obesity epidemic have been already set in... -
Process fairness, outcome fairness, and dynamic consistency: experimental evi...
Literature on fairness preferences distinguishes between outcome fairness, concerning the final allocation of payoffs, and process fairness, concerning the expected allocation... -
Catastrophic Risk: Social Influences on Insurance Decisions [Dataset]
We study behavioral patterns of insurance demand for low-probability large-loss events (catastrophic losses). Individual patterns of belief formation and risk attitude that were... -
Payment Procedure in a Public Good Game Experiment: The Effects of Endowment ...
We study whether and how payment procedure affects behavior in a repeated public good game. To this end, we conducted five treatments, varying the times of paying the initial... -
Text und Data Mining an wissenschaftlichen Repositorien und Publikationsserve...
Es wurden die auf den Homepages angegebenen Ansprechpartner wissenschaftlicher Repositorien und Publikationsserver in Deutschland zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Text und Data Mining... -
Who never tells a lie? [Data set and Programs]
I experimentally investigate the hypothesis that many people avoid lying even in a situation where doing so would result in a Pareto improvement. Replicating (Erat and Gneezy,... -
Ambiguity Attitudes in Decisions for Others [Dataset]
We probe the pattern of ambiguity aversion for moderate-likelihood gain prospects, and ambiguity seeking for low-likelihood gain prospects, if people make decisions not for... -
The role of personal interaction in the assessment of risk attitudes [Dataset]
Many decisions under uncertainty are delegated to professionals, such as financial advisors or medical doctors, requiring them to assess the risk attitudes of their clients or... -
Understanding Bank-Run Contagion [Dataset]
We study experimental coordination games to examine through which transmission channels, and under which information conditions, a panic-based depositor-run at one bank may... -
Risk taking by agents: The role of ex-ante and ex-post accountability [Dataset]
We study the role of accountability in situations where an agent makes risky decisions for a principal. We observe that in the absence of accountability, agents choose less risk... -
Transcultural Empire: Geographic Information System of the 1897 and 1926 Gene...
The geographic information system (GIS) is based on the first and only Russian Imperial Census of 1897 and the First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union of 1926. The GIS... -
An Experimental Study of Precautionary Bidding [Dataset]
Auctions often involve goods exhibiting a common-knowledge ex-post risk. In such auctions, precautionary bidding predicts that under expected utility, DARA bidders reduce their... -
Reserve Price and Competing Bids: Reference Points for Product Evaluations i...
With an increasing number of products sold in online auctions, the effect of reference points on consumers’ product valuations has received much attention in the literature. Two... -
Women can´t jump?—An experiment on competitive attitudes and stereotype threa...
Gneezy et al. (2003) offer a partial explanation for the wage gap between men and women. In an experiment they found that women react less to competitive incentives. The task... -
The gender wage gap in experimental labor markets [Dataset]
We analyze the gender wage gap in experimental markets. Women receive but do not request significantly lower wages than men. This hurts firms, as women react with low effort.... -
Prospect theory or construal level theory? Diminishing sensitivity vs. psycho...
Attitudes toward risks are central to organizational decisions. These attitudes are commonly modeled by prospect theory. Construal level theory has been proposed as an... -
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper seeks to test...