Drivers of change in the Nordic Arctic: Compiled keywords from nine explorato...
This data set is a compilation of keywords and key phrases provided in brainstorming sessions from nine scenario exercises. They scenario exercises were based on a method to... -
Inventering av Mothering and Fathering-aktivism för mer hållbara livsmiljöer
This datafile contains information about movements at a global scale, that were identified as being composed mainly by mothers, fathers and others who have close connections... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Parallella texter från SIDA
Parallel texts collected from the SIDAs website. Parallel texts downloaded from SIDAs website. What was actually downloaded were pdf files. The txt files that are available are... -
Aktivister 2004
The purpose of the study is to give a nuanced image of activists within the Global Justice Movement in Sweden. Based on a survey carried through at three Swedish local social... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Drivers of change in the Nordic Arctic: Compiled keywords from nine explorato...
This data set is a compilation of keywords and key phrases provided in brainstorming sessions from nine scenario exercises. They scenario exercises were based on a method to... -
Dataset om erfarenheter och upplevelser av Covid-19 pandemin på försörjning o...
Household survey concerning rural South African smallholder households' experiences with the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on farming. The data consists of responses to six... -
Inventering av Mothering and Fathering-aktivism för mer hållbara livsmiljöer
This datafile contains information about movements at a global scale, that were identified as being composed mainly by mothers, fathers and others who have close connections... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Aktivister 2004
The purpose of the study is to give a nuanced image of activists within the Global Justice Movement in Sweden. Based on a survey carried through at three Swedish local social... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Språkligt utanförskap - identitetens betydelse i ett utvecklingsperspektiv - ...
The project is a sociolinguistic study that investigates language use from a development perspective, with a central aim of identifying the reasons behind code-switching, i.e.... -
Drivers of change in the Nordic Arctic: Compiled keywords from nine explorato...
This data set is a compilation of keywords and key phrases provided in brainstorming sessions from nine scenario exercises. They scenario exercises were based on a method to... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Texter från SIDA
Parallel texts collected from the SIDAs website. Parallella texter insamlade från SIDA:s webbplats. Texts that are available in Swedish and at least one other language. Texter... -
Aktivister 2004
The purpose of the study is to give a nuanced image of activists within the Global Justice Movement in Sweden. Based on a survey carried through at three Swedish local social...