5 datasets found

Keywords: Software Engineering and Programming Languages

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  • Replication Data for: Advanced System Integration: Analyzing OpenAPI Chunking...

    Integrating multiple (sub-)systems is essential to create advanced Information Systems (ISs). Difficulties mainly arise when integrating dynamic environments across the IS...
  • dolfinx_eqlb v1.2.0

    This library contains an add-on to FEniCSx enabling local flux equilibration strategies. The resulting H(div) conforming fluxes can be used for the construction of adaptive...
  • Replication Data for: Compositio Prompto: An Architecture to Employ Large Lan...

    A classic, central Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) challenge is the service composition problem. It concerns solving a user-defined task by selecting a suitable set of...
  • dolfinx_eqlb v1.1.0

    dolfinx_eqlb is an open source library, extending FEniCSx by local flux equilibration strategies. The resulting H(div) conforming fluxes can be used for the construction of...
  • dolfinx_eqlb v1.0.0

    dolfinx_eqlb is an open source library, extending FEniCSx by local flux equilibration strategies. The resulting H(div) conforming fluxes can be used for the construction of...
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