Soil moisture and temperature conditions in an oak forest located at Sierra L...
Ecohydrological information was collected during the period 2013 to 2015 as part of the project "Ecohydrological observations to improve hydrological models estimates in the... -
Measurements of net soil-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchange and its oxygen an...
Soils were sampled from 27 sites in western Eurasia during 2016 and 17 sites in northeastern Australia during 2017. Triplicate replicate microcosm incubations were created from... -
Meteorological and soil data from Bayelva, Svalbard, homogenised data product...
Understanding permafrost processes and their links to polar climate requires long-term observational datasets. This data product is a quality-controlled and homogenised... -
Stoichiometric sample parameters from boreal peat at FN-Land_2022_SiikanevaPe...
This dataset reports basic chemical and physical characteristics measured in intact sphagnum and peat samples sourced from a boreal peatland complex (Siikaneva Bog, Finland).... -
Sediment characteristics from Reindeer winter ranges in Northern Finland
These data originate from 10 soil profiles sampled in northern Finland in June 2022 as part of the PeCHEc project. All sites were sampled on the Kutuharju Field Research... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Harmonized in-situ observations of surface energy fluxes and environmental dr...
Despite the importance of surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. In situ observational data of SEB... -
Sediment characteristics from different Reindeer grazing intensities in North...
This dataset has no description
Luminescence dating of cores PG2410, PG2411 and PG2412 at Polar Fox Lagoon an...
This dataset contains results of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for samples from sediment cores PG2410 (Uomullyakh Lagoon), PG2411 (Polar Fox Lagoon) and the... -
Sedimentological, biogeochemical and hydrochemical characteristics of core PG...
This dataset has no description
Sedimentological, biogeochemical and hydrochemical characteristics of core PG...
This dataset has no description
Automatic weather station measurements between August 2018 to August 2019 at ...
For the definition of quality flags see README files ("Further details" reference) -
Automatic weather station measurements between July 2018 to August 2018 at a ...
For the definition of quality flags see README files ("Further details" reference) -
Initial soil parameters of a palsa and a peatland core used in in a mesocosm ...
In this dataset, we present the initial soil parameters of two cores from a palsa and a peatland in Lapland. We measured sedimentary and hydro-chemical parameters, along with... -
Sediment and pore water investigations in thermokarst terrain near Utqiagvik,...
This dataset comprises sediment and pore water analyses from sediment cores taken in April 2022 close to Utqiagvik, Alaska. An undisturbed upland, one drained lake basin, two... -
Geochemical measurements from permafrost soils across thaw stages in Peera pa...
This dataset reports measurements from a yearlong laboratory incubation of soils sourced from within the discontinuous permafrost zone in northern Finland. Using an aerial... -
Incubation of soils from across a permafrost thaw gradient, in Peera Palsa (F...
This dataset reports measurements from a yearlong laboratory incubation of soils sourced from within the discontinuous permafrost zone in northern Finland. Using an aerial... -
Sediment properties in drained lake basins in northern Alaska, August 2018
These data originate from a field survey in early August 2018 in the Teshekpuk Lake region on the Alaskan North Slope. We sampled surface sediment in drained lake basins.... -
Anaerobic respiration in a boreal wetland and surrounding habitats, across a ...
This dataset reports measurements from a laboratory incubation of soils sourced from a boreal peatland and surrounding habitats (Siikaneva Bog, Finland). In August 2021, soil... -
Soil temperature, soil water content and electric conductivity monitoring fro...
The parameters soil temperature, soil water content and electric conductivity are collected at 14 locations along the slope with Decagon Devices 5TE sensors for the time period...