U-Th dating from a stalagmite Gen-A from northern Tasmania, Australia
We present results of Th/U dating data from a speleothem from northern Tasmania, Australia. The depths are relative to the base of the stalagmite. -
Source apportionment results for <5 μm size fraction sediments of core PS75/0...
This dataset contains the source apportionment results for the dust fraction (<5 µm size fraction) of sediment core PS75/056-1 from the South Pacific Subantarctic Zone... -
Geochemical results for <5 µm size fraction sediments of core PS75/056-1
This dataset contains the geochemical results for the dust fraction (<5 µm size fraction) of sediment core PS75/056-1 from the South Pacific Subantarctic Zone (55.16°S,... -
Correlation of Glacier ELA/Snowlines & Temperature Station data with ERA5 Tem...
This dataset contains the gridded correlation results from a study that sought to better understand the climatic footprint monitored by antipodal mid-latitude glacier... -
GDGT indices and revised SST L of sediment cores MD11-3357
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GDGT indices and revised SST L of sediment cores MD11-3353
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SST gradient and reconstructed Antarctic Circumpolar Current latitude changes...
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SST gradient and reconstructed Antarctic Circumpolar Current latitude change ...
We report a quantitative and continuous record of the ACC latitude over the last glacial-interglacial cycle derived from biomarker-based reconstructions of surface layer... -
Holocene Cerro Tuzgle cushion peatland (CTP) record from the Altiplano at 24°...
We investigated the Cerro Tuzgle cushion peatland (24˚09' S, 66˚24' W) located on the Argentine Altiplano at 24°S, north of the present-day South American subtropical dry zone.... -
Last Interglacial Marine Isotope Stage 5e data from a stalagmite Gen-A from n...
We present results of Th/U dating, oxygen isotope, saturation magnetization (Ms), coercivity (Bc) data from a speleothem from northern Tasmania, Australia. The depths are... -
Paleo-productivity in the SW Pacific Ocean during the early Holocene climatic...
In this study we examined a wide range of paleo-productivity proxies along a latitudinal transect (36-58°S) of 6 cores in the SW Pacific during the early Holocene climatic... -
XRF scanning data of the composite profile from core Tuz-694
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Modelled ages, element content and stable isotopes of the composite profile f...
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Radiocarbon ages, calibrated radiocarbon ages and modelled ages of the compos...
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Oxygen and carbon isotope, saturation magnetization and coercivity from a sta...
We present results of oxygen isotope, saturation magnetization (Ms) and coercivity (Bc) data from a speleothem from northern Tasmania, Australia.The depths are relative to the... -
Opal concentration of sediment cores of the southwest Pacific
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Element analysis of sediment cores of the southwest Pacific
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Foraminifera production index of sediment cores of the southwest Pacific
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Dinoflagellate cyst production index of sediment cores of the southwest Pacific
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Bulk δ15N ratios of sediment cores of the southwest Pacific
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