Inorganic and organic carbon survey in surface soils of a Wadden Sea mainland...
Vegetated coastal ecosystems have been increasingly recognized for their capacity to sequester organic carbon in their soils and sediments under the term blue carbon. The... -
Mesocosm experiment with salt marsh vegetation from the low marsh dominated b...
The data originates from a mesocosm experiment with salt marsh plants from the Wadden Sea (Hamburger Hallig: 54°36 06N, 8°49'08E), investigating the impact of increased... -
Time-series following that average concentration of oxygen, pH and CO2 at the...
Planar optode system: VisiSens TD from PreSens – Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany. O2-foils: PreSens GmbH product code: SF-RPSu4, pH-foils: PreSens GmbH product code:... -
Elymus athericus encroachment experiment
The experiment was established in 2007 in the high marsh and consisted of four blocks of 12 m x 8 m. The blocks differed in surface-elevation change during the experiment. Each... -
Computed tomography (CT) scan image analysis: Data of CT-scan images, root sy...
Soil cores from tidal Spartina-marshes were sampled in 2018 in the European Wadden Sea, Sönke-Nissen-Koog, Germany, as well as at the Atlantic coast, Brittany, France, and... -
Abundance of macrobenthos organisms in the northern Wadden Sea in 2010
At each site we analyse the species occurrence by taking 20 replicate samples of 20x20 cm (20 cm depth). -
Abundance of macrobenthos organisms in the northern Wadden Sea in 2009
At each site we analyse the species occurrence by taking 20 replicate samples of 20x20 cm (20 cm depth). -
Abundance of macrobenthos organisms in the northern Wadden Sea in 2008
At each site we analyse the species occurrence by taking 20 replicate samples of 20x20 cm (20 cm depth). -
Abundance of macrobenthos organisms in the northern Wadden Sea in 2007
At each site we analyse the species occurrence by taking 20 replicate samples of 20x20 cm (20 cm depth). -
Spatiotemporal variation of O2, pH, and CO2 gradients in the rhizosphere of S...
Spatial and temporal Oxygen, pH and CO2 dynamics in the rhizosphere of the salt marsh plant; Spartina anglica. Profiles and time-series of Oxygen, pH and CO2 were measured in... -
Cross-sectional concentration profiles of CO2 measured across roots of Sparti...
Planar optode system: VisiSens TD from PreSens – Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany. O2-foils: PreSens GmbH product code: SF-RPSu4, pH-foils: PreSens GmbH product code:... -
Cross-sectional concentration profiles of pH measured across roots of Spartin...
Planar optode system: VisiSens TD from PreSens – Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany. O2-foils: PreSens GmbH product code: SF-RPSu4, pH-foils: PreSens GmbH product code:... -
Cross-sectional concentration profiles of O2 measured across roots of Spartin...
Planar optode system: VisiSens TD from PreSens – Precision Sensing GmbH, Regensburg, Germany. O2-foils: PreSens GmbH product code: SF-RPSu4, pH-foils: PreSens GmbH product code:... -
Video - O2, pH and CO2 dynamics around a root of the salt marsh plant; Sparti...
Video of O2, pH and CO2 dynamics around a root of the salt marsh plant; Spartina anglica, during light and dark alternations. The 2D distribution of O2, pH and CO2 was recorded... -
Aboveground and belowground biomass and stem density from Spartina anglica
Aboveground and belowground biomass data and stem density data from a mesocosm experiment with salt marsh vegetation from the low marsh dominated by Elymus athericus and pioneer... -
Vegetation cover of a Wadden Sea mainland salt marsh 17 years after land-use ...
Vegetated coastal ecosystems have been increasingly recognized for their capacity to sequester organic carbon in their soils and sediments under the term blue carbon. The... -
Environmental, biomass and biotic interactions data of Spartina sp. niches in...
Questions: Invasiveness depends in part on the ability of exotic species to either exclude native dominants or to fill an empty niche. Comparisons of niches and effects of...