84 datasets found

Keywords: Specifika sociala tjänster användning och tillgänglighet

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  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Texter från Arbetsförmedlingen

    Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Public Employment Agency. Parallel texts downloaded from the website of Swedish Public Employment Service. What was...
  • Åldrandet i samhället: Sociala attityder till äldre 1982

    This data collection focuses on attitudes toward and knowledge of the social conditions, abilities, and personalities of elderly persons. Additionally, these data describe how...
  • Åldrandet i samhället: Våra bostäder 1982

    This data collection is designed to increase knowledge concerning housing conditions for the elderly. Major areas of investigation include living conditions, the importance of...
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 1986

    The questionnaire used in this survey was constructed to fulfill several purposes. Firstly the aim was to follow up some of the questions posed in previous Swedish surveys....
  • Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - huvudundersökning

    This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how...
  • Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991 - Göteborgsundersökning

    This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how...
  • Opinion '88 - En undersökning om Göteborgarnas inställning till massmedia och...

    In this survey a number of questions were put about mass media; the use of different kind of media, dailies regularly read and subscriptions, attitude toward starting a new...
  • Serviceundersökningen: Barnomsorg i fem typkommuner 1993

    This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge,...
  • Serviceundersökningen: Äldreomsorg i fem typkommuner 1993

    This survey was carried out within the framework of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The survey was carried out in four municipalities; Grästorp, Kävlinge,...
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 1992

    This survey inquiring the Swedish people´s attitudes towards their taxes was financed by the ministry of finance through the ´Kommittén för utvärdering av skattereformen´...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Angered

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Centrum

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Majorna

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • SOM-undersökningen Kommun-SOM 1996: Mölndal

    Every year since 1986, the SOM Institute carries out a nationwide survey, National SOM (Riks-SOM), in which people are asked questions about politics, society, their use of...
  • Anhörigvård 1993

    In Sweden the municipalities have the responsibility to provide the elderly, ill and disabled with the assistance they need to make home living possible. Still, most caring take...
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 2002

    This survey, inquiring the attitudes of the Swedish population towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of three earlier surveys conducted in 1986, 1992 and 1997....
  • Välfärdsstatsundersökningen 1997

    This survey, inquiring the Swedish people's attitudes towards the public sector and the taxes, is a follow-up of two earlier surveys conducted in 1986 and 1992. A number of...
  • Medborgarundersökningen 1997

    In conformity with the 1987 survey, the 1997 survey was arranged as a mapping of the citizen's activities and possibilities to influence within the 'small democracy' as well as...
  • Åldrande och ålderdom 1995

    An Uppsala university survey regarding perceptions of age and ageing. Enkätundersökning från Uppsala universitet där svenskar i åldrarna 20-85 år besvarar frågor som relateras...
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