Surface sediment diatoms as relative abundance from the Belcher islands archi...
Relative abundances (%) of diatoms from the top 0,5 cm surface sediment from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada on April 15th, 2019, using a... -
Surface sediment diatom concentrations from the Belcher islands archipelago, ...
Diatom concentrations (valves/g) from the top 0,5 cm surface sediment from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada on April 15th, 2019, using a... -
Sediment trap diatoms as relative abundance from the Belcher islands archipel...
Relative abundances (%) of diatoms from sediment trap samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and July 2019 using an... -
Sediment trap diatom fluxes from the Belcher islands archipelago, Hudson Bay,...
Diatom fluxes (valves/m2/day) from sediment trap samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and July 2019 using an automated... -
Sediment trap diatoms concentrations from the Belcher islands archipelago, Hu...
Diatom concentrations (valves/g) from sediment trap samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and July 2019 using an automated... -
Water column diatom concentrations from the Belcher islands archipelago, Huds...
Diatom concentrations (valves/ml) from modern water column samples collected from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May 2019... -
Water column diatoms as relative abundance from the Belcher islands archipela...
Relative abundances (%) of diatoms from modern water column samples collected from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May 2019... -
Sea ice diatoms as relative abundance from the Belcher islands archipelago, H...
Relative abundances (%) of diatoms from the bottom 5 cm of modern sea ice samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May... -
Sea ice diatom concentrations from the Belcher islands archipelago, Hudson Ba...
Diatom concentrations (valves/ml) from the bottom 5 cm of modern sea ice samples from the Belcher Islands Archipelago, south-eastern Hudson Bay, Canada between April and May... -
(Table 1) Abundance of unicellular eukaryotes in ice cores collected during t...
Influence of methanogenic populations in Holocene lacustrine sediments revealed by clone libraries and fatty acid biogeochemistry.Biological characteristics of ice-associated...