Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of IRD content in Heinrich Event layers (H...
The data matrix of 192 classified IRD count data from H1-H6 and I1-I5 (excluding I6 because of too low IRD counts) by 22 IRD lithologies... -
IRD composition and accumulation rates of Heinrich Event layers (H1-H6) and i...
The cumulative classified count record (in percentages) over ~2 cm resolution of each petrologically identified IRD lithologies within the stratigraphic units of Heinrich Layers... -
Rock magnetic properties of petrologically representative IRD particles in se...
In order to determine the bulk magnetic impact of all 22 classified IRD lithologies, the specific petromagnetic properties of each were investigated in detail. In order to... -
Isothermal Remanent Magnetization (IRM) acquisition curves for petrologically...
IRM acquisition curves (and their derivatives) resolve the cumulative coercivity distribution (and spectrum) of a magnetic mineral assemblage. Here we present data of larger,... -
Abundance of zooplankton groups collected along the west coast of Baja Califo...
This dataset contains the values of abundance of zooplankton collected along the west coast of Baja California on board the R/V BIPO INAPESCA within the Mexican Economic...