FKNMS Stephanocoenia intersepta population genetics and Symbiodiniaceae commu...
We described Stephanocoenia intersepta populations among shallow and mesophotic depths throughout Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary with 2bRAD-seq. Additionally we... -
Vertical connectivity assessment of two coral species in Bermuda
Raw sequencing data (Illumina HiSeq2500) for nextRAD libraries from two scleractinian coral species: 109 colonies of Stephanocoenia intersepta and 104 colonies of Agaricia... -
Southeast Florida Stephanocoenia intersepta population genetics
We described Stephanocoenia intersepta populations among shallow shallow reefs throughout SE Florida with 2bRAD-seq. -
Coral species abundance on nearshore lagoonal reefs on the Belize Mesoamerica...
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