5 datasets found

Keywords: Stokes Helmert technique

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  • The Mexican gravimetric geoid: xGGM23

    The gravimetric geoid model xGGM23 was computed at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, with the aim to update the national geoid for Mexico, as well as to contribute to the...
  • The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM06

    GGM06 is a gravimetric geoid model for Mexico calculated from a smaller but more reliable database of terrestrial gravimetry than the one used for its predecessor GGM05. The...
  • The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM10

    GGM10 is a gravimetric geoid model for Mexico computed by the General Direction of Geography and Environment at the INEGI. It covers the region from 14° to 33° in latitudes and...
  • The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM05

    GGM05 is the second gravimetric geoid model created by INEGI for Mexico with the main improvement of input data cleaning and the use of a more recent reference gravity field. It...
  • The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM04

    GGM04 is the first gravimetric geoid model for Mexico computed by INEGI on 2004 (GGM stands for Geoide Gravimetrico Mexicano). The main input of terrestrial gravity data...
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