The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM06
GGM06 is a gravimetric geoid model for Mexico calculated from a smaller but more reliable database of terrestrial gravimetry than the one used for its predecessor GGM05. The... -
The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM10
GGM10 is a gravimetric geoid model for Mexico computed by the General Direction of Geography and Environment at the INEGI. It covers the region from 14° to 33° in latitudes and... -
The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM05
GGM05 is the second gravimetric geoid model created by INEGI for Mexico with the main improvement of input data cleaning and the use of a more recent reference gravity field. It... -
The Mexican gravimetric geoid: GGM04
GGM04 is the first gravimetric geoid model for Mexico computed by INEGI on 2004 (GGM stands for Geoide Gravimetrico Mexicano). The main input of terrestrial gravity data...