Raw litter decomposition data from five elevational transects on the southern...
We used litter bags with maize husks (Zea mays L.) to compare decomposition rates in 12 vegetation types along an elevation gradient of 3600 m on the southern slopes of Mt.... -
Physical and chemical characteristics of soil samples
Soil samples were taken in the bog site of the Siikaneva peat complex and adjacent shrub-belt and forest site in Ruovesi, Finland. Samples were characterized by measuring water... -
Bryozoa diversity and abundance in Phyllophora crispa (Rhodophyta) mats and P...
Dataset on the epibenthic abundance of Bryozoa on P. crispa and P. oceanica habitats in the NW Mediterranean Sea (Giglio Island, Italy). Samples were obtained via SCUBA diving... -
Macroplankton and micronekton trawl data from the Norwegian Sea 2019-2020
We provide here a curated set of data containing standardized catch biomasses and abundances of key macroplankton and mesopelagic fish taxonomically identified to species or...