Magnetic order in the triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4
Sr2RuO4 is an oxide metal which becomes superconducting at 1.5 K. In conventional superconductors, the electron (Cooper) pairs responsible for superconductivity have zero... -
Search for Neutron Spin Resonance and High Energy Spin Excitations in Exotic ...
Neutron spin resonance mode is a common feature in different classes of magnetic superconductors; nonetheless, the microscopic origin of the mode is still unclear. In general,... -
Study of possible quantum chains in Nd2Zr2O7 in high [110] fields
Nd2Zr2O7 is a new candidate prominent to quantum spin ice proposed theoretically. It has a well-isolated dipolar-octupolar doublet with Ising anisotropy as the crystal field... -
Search for the spin liquid phase in terbium gallium garnet.
Usually, magnetic materials can be understood by imagining them as orderly rows of communicating, atomic-sized bar magnets (or "spins") which organize themselves into a... -
Nature of the ground state of Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice
Spin ice (SI) is a state of matter characterized by a residual (Pauling) entropy and unusual correlations. The huge interest in SI materials from the magnetism community stems...