Coupling of chains in a new, highly tuneable, isostructural series of model q...
Here we propose measurements on a unique, newly synthesized series of coordination polymers based on chains of Cu2+ ions. These have been designed with the intention of... -
The Destruction of Superconductivity by Inter-Band Scattering in (Lu1-xYx)2Fe...
This proposal plans to investigate the destruction of superconductivity by inter-band scattering in Lu_2Fe_3Si_5 doped by Y and Dy. Recent muon spin rotation studies have shown... -
Engineering exchange strength in S=1/2 molecule-based magnets
Recent progress in the field of molecular magnetism has shown the potential for gaining control over the structural building blocks of molecular materials in order to engineer... -
Investigating the superconducting pairing symmetry of heavy fermion supercond...
The first discovered heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2 had been believed to have d-wave pairing symmetry for many years. However, recent experiments on CeCu2Si2 discovered... -
A uSR study of the superconducting ground state in the ternary intermetallics...
The ternary intermetallics, which crystallise in the ThCr2Si2 structure, have been extensively studied mainly because these materials offer a rich variety of exotic ground... -
Magnetic order in the quantum critical phase of Sr3Ru2O7
Many novel electronic ground states form in close proximity to quantum critical points (QCPs), that is, the point where a continuous phase transition occurs at zero temperature.... -
Investigating semi-metal superconductivity in a Lu3Os4Ge13 single crystal
Lu3Os4Ge13 is an interesting superconducting system, with potentially unconventional physics. It is a low carrier density semi-metal, exhibiting superconductivity at 3.1 K. This...