Probing Low Dimensional Magnetism in Lanthanide Formate Magnetocalorics
Low dimensional magnetism provides a crucial playground for the discovery and exploitation of unconventional behaviour. Coordination frameworks have a tendency to adopt highly... -
Absolute normalisation of spectra in DINS experiments:exploring the route to ...
The aim of this proposal is to investigate in the methodology of Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS) data analysis, with especial emphasis in the absolute normalisation of... -
Magnetic state of Kagome-Triangular lattice antiferromagnet NaBa2Mn3F11
Geometrically frustrated magnets have attracted great interest because of their exotic orders at low temperatures. In case of classical Kagome Heisenberg antiferomagnet its... -
The phase diagram of the spin-density-wave metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7
Sr3Ru2O7 is an unusual layered oxide metamagnetic metal. It has been known for some time that the application of a large magnetic field (~8 T) perpendicular to the RuO2 planes...