CHRONUS Commissioning
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Reinvestigation of muon sites in the high-Tc superconductor, YBa2Cu3O6
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Oxygen stoichiometry and its relation to the magnetic correlation YBa2Cu3O6+x...
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Dynamics of Correlated Proton Tunneling in Ice
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New 3d heavy fermion behavior accompanied by a Lifshits magnetic liquid phase...
Recently, new phase with Lifshits invariant of incommensurability is reported as a solitonic spin-liquid state above the magnetically ordered phase on Fe1-yTe. It cannot be... -
Early stage solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si and Al-Si alloys
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MuSR Investigation of Quantum Critical Point in Hole-Doped Pyrochlore Iridate...
Y227 is an ideal system to investigate Ir moments, mainly to study the presence of QCP, because the Y atom does not have a local magnetic moment. From the results of our... -
mSR study of the Cu-spin correlation and superconductivity in the electron do...
The purpose of this mSR study is to investigate the volume fraction of antiferromagnetic (AF) ordered regions and the temperature where AF order is developed, TN, in the...