Neutron diffraction study of the tertragonal Ce-based ferromagnet CeRu2Al2B
Recently we did muon spin relaxation (µSR) and inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements on the newly discovered tertragonal Ce-based ferromagnet CeRu2M2B (M = Al and Ga)... -
Impurity substitution effect on magnetic orderings in frustrated triangular l...
We propose to perform neutron powder diffraction experiments on the frustrated triangular lattice anitferromagnet AgFe1-xAlxO2 on WISH. Recently, we have studied magnetic... -
Investigation of magnetic excitations of spin-chain oxides Sr4-xCaxMn2CoO9
The Sr(4-x)Ca(x)Mn2CoO9 compounds are geometrically frustrated transition metal (TM) oxide, which present a variety of interrelated magnetic behavior. The (Mn,Co) TM form a... -
Magnetoelastic coupling effect on multiferroic behaviors in different types o...
We propose to perform high resolution neutron diffraction on powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets Ag1-xCuxFe1-yGayO2 using HRPD. CuFe1-yGayO2 and AgFeO2 have... -
Magnetic Structure of a New Strontium Ruthenate: Resubmission
We have recently prepared a new strontium ruthenate, SrRu2O6, using hydrothermal chemistry. The material shows magnetic order, probably ferromagnetic, than persists above, and... -
Magnetic field switching of electric polarisation in Y-type Hexaferrites
The magnetoelectric Y-type hexaferrites demonstrate coupling between magnetism and electric polarisation in relatively small applied magnetic fields, and are hence candidate... -
Investigations of some potentially multiferroic/magnetoelectric rare earth ta...
Multiferroics - where ferroelectric and magnetic orders co-exist - continue to be of technological and scientific importance, and of particular interest are the improper... -
Investigation of magnetic structures and ion diffusion in layered honeycomb a...
The layered ternary oxide system has been intensively studied in the past as it exhibits various remarkable properties, such as its electrochemical behavior as positive... -
Correlating Structural and Magnetic Disorder in Sc-substituted SCGO (SrCr9Ga3...
A prototypical frustrated magnet in which structural disorder plays a key role is SrCr9pGa12−9pO19 (SCGO). It is postulated that structurally ordered SCGO hosts a... -
Neutron diffraction study of the buckled kagome-lattice Cu3R(SeO3)2O2Cl (R=Yb...
The experimental realization of a S=1/2 kagome lattice has been one of the holy grail of frustrated magnetism because when all antiferromagnetic exchanges cannot be satisfied, a... -
Diffraction paten of a Heisenberg-Kitaev Quantum Spin Liquid candidate Li2RhO3
We propose to continuous our investigation of the magnetic diffraction pattern of the potential Kitaev spin liquid compound Li2RhO3. Moderate spin orbit coupling in the Rh4+ ion... -
Structure and magnetic order of the diamond-kagome planar compound Cu2OSO4
Materials with antiferromagnetic interactions between spins on a triangle lattice inherently exhibit large frustration between similar energy ground states giving rise to novel... -
Strain effect on the magnetic ground state of the ferroelectric Ca3CoMnO6 system
The search for new ferroelectric materials, where the ferroelectricity results from magnetic frustration, has been a topic of great interest to the condensed matter physics... -
Spin correlations and order in titanates exhibiting spin Jahn-Teller antiferr...
The spin Jahn-Teller effect stabilises 3D magnetic order in an otherwise frustrated system via magnetoelastic coupling, spontaneously at the magnetic phase transition. Examples... -
Investigation of Magnetic Structures in the Monoclinic and Orthorhombic Polym...
Ferroelectricity induced by magnetic ordering with certain type of magnetic structure has received much attention because it provides opportunity to manipulate magnetization by... -
Nuclear and magnetic structural investigation of single crystalline and powde...
Recent single crystal work on α-CoV2O6 has found a significant enhancement of the nuclear Bragg peaks on entering the low temperature antiferromagnetic states. This... -
High resolution neutron diffraction study to investigate quadrupolar ordering...
Recently we have investigated magnetic and quadrupolar ordered states of YbRu2Ge2 using zero-field muon spin relaxation (µSR), neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron... -
Unusual higher order incommensurate components in the magnetic structure of TmCu
This proposal forms a very specific part of our project to investigate complex magnetic structures in rare earth intermetallics. In extensive bulk measurements on high purity... -
Neutron diffraction study of magnetic structure of PrFe2Al8
The crystal structure of PrFe2Al8 consists of a network of Al which forms quasi cage-like structure where the Pr and the Fe form chains of atoms along the c-axis. We propose... -
Structure-property relation in integer-spin quantum magnets
Our objective is to determine how changes in symmetry affect the magnetic ground state of spin-1 magnets. Low-dimensional S=1 systems are believed to support rich phase diagrams...