Magnetic structure of pyrochlore irridate Y2Ir2O7
We propose to study by powder neutron diffraction the ordered magnetic state of the pyrochlore compound Y2Ir2O7. There is currently an increasing interest in the condensed... -
Magnetic structure of Ca2-xLaxRuO4 and Ca2-xPrxRuO4: impact of electron dopin...
Although the systems of choice for the study of electronic correlations have traditionally been 3d transition metal oxides, the interest has recently been extended to 4d and 5d... -
Magnetic structures of antiferromagnetic heavy fermion CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 co...
CeAuAl3 and CeCuAl3 compounds crystallize in the tetragonal I4mm, BaNiSn3-type and display interesting bulk properties. Here we propose to investigate the magnetic structures of... -
Characterisation of Spin density Wave phase in Na2Ti2(Sb,As)2O
The formation of charge and spin density wave (CDW and SDW) states in metallic systems isdriven by Fermi surface instabilities that are often found to compete with... -
Nuclear and magnetic structure determination of Ni-Mn-(In-Sn) Heusler alloys
The aim of the present proposal is to relate the macroscopic magnetic properties with the nuclear and magnetic structure of a series of Ni48Mn36In16-xSnx Heusler alloys. These... -
Exotic phase coexistence in magnetic and superconducting LaFe(As1-xPx)(O1-yFy)
The proposed 1111 system whose structures are largely underinvestigated exhibits properties with a strong potential for novel properties that complement our knowledge of the... -
Probing the nuclear and magnetic structure of a complex ferromagnetic semicon...
Understanding the structures of complex materials is key understanding their properties. Here we wish to determine the structure, both atomic and magnetic, of a complex... -
Investigation of Jahn-Teller assisted polaron collapse beyond the percolation...
Polaron-mediated colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) was predicted decades ago but never been experimentally established unambigously, despite the 'universal' existence of...