Diffuse scattering studies of squaric acid in an applied electric field
Organic ferroelectric compounds such as KH2PO4 and squaric acid, have attracted much interest in the past due to their potential in applications [1]. This interest has been... -
In-situ High Temperature Studies of BiFeO3 in a Stabilising Oxygen Atmosphere
The drive to find novel materials for applications such as data storage has led to a resurgence in research into multiferroic materials. Bismuth ferrite is the most widely... -
Anomalous elasticity in negative thermal expansion materials
Recent experimental work on the negative thermal expansion material Zn(CN)2 has shown that the elastic stiffness is anomalously reduced on compression. That is, if B is the bulk... -
Magnetic ordering in new multi-anion solids: Sr2Fe3Se2O3 and Sr2Cr3As2O2
We have identified new multi-anion solids with transition metals in unusual coordination environments and with apparently complex magnetic ordering. This experiment proposed for... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Ba2BTeO6 (B=Cu, Ni, Zn)
Ba2CuTeO6 and Ba2NiTeO6 are compounds with structures related to that of the proposed spin liquid Ba3CuSb2O9. The space group and nature of the B-site ordering in Ba3CuSb2O9... -
Charting the increase in spin fluctuations as we approach the critical point ...
The LaFe13-xSix system (x<1.6) has a first order ferromagnetic, FM, to paramagnetic, PM, transition that is tunable in magnetic field, ending at a (tri)critical point (Hcrit,... -
Understanding negative compressibility in KMn[Ag(CN)2]3
Negative linear compressibility (NLC) is the phenomenon whereby at least one of the linear dimensions of a material actually expand under hydrostatic pressure. It is only... -
Investigating Modulation in Molecular Materials:
Valuable information is lost when the focus is put only on the average unit cell and not the long-range order of the whole crystal. Determination of the long-range ordering can... -
Low-temperature Neutron diffraction studies in SrTi0.5Mn0.5O3 to explain the ...
Geometric frustration of magnetic ordering in ordered double perovskites (ODPs) leads to spin-glass, spin-liquid and spin-ice states. However it is yet not clear whether these... -
Crystal Field Excitations in the Borderline Spin Ice Pr2Zr2O7
The title compound is expected to be a spin ice close to an instability which stabilises magnetic order. We can determine its spin Hamiltonian precisely by measuring the crystal... -
The coupling of spin and charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
Charge density wave (CDW) order has recently been established as a generic feature of high-temperature cuprate superconductors. It occurs near 1/8 doping and has been observed... -
Investigation of interface magnetism in LSMO/LNO heterostructures
The exchange bias effect (EBE) initially observed at ferromagnetic (FM)/antiferromagnetic (AFM) interfaces in correlated rare earth oxides has been a topic of intense research... -
Magnetostriction in (Bi,La) orthoferrites
We have recently observed unusual magnetostrictive behaviour in Bi0.5La0.5FeO3 (BLFO), a phenomenon which is not present in either solid solution end member. This proposal seeks... -
Magnetic Excitations of Isolated and Pairs of Co Ions and in MgO
The magnetic excitations will be studied in a powdered sample of 3% CoO in 97% MgO in order to to study the excitations of isolated Co ions and of isolated pairs of Co ions.... -
The structure of metal-ammonia Ogg glasses
In this application we will conduct the first detailed study of the structure of glassy metal-ammonia systems ? so-called Ogg glasses, named after the person who first proposed... -
Structural basis for the 2D thermal expansion tensor of petalite, LiAlSi4O10
Phases in the lithia-alumina-silica phase diagram (LAS) are of great importance owing to the technologically property of ultra-low thermal expansion (ULTE) that they frequently... -
Search for magnetic order in the coupled S=1/2 two-leg spin ladder system Ba2...
Ba2CuTeO6 is a newly discovered S=1/2 spin ladder system containing Cu2+ ladders. Our experiments indicate that this material is in very close proximity to the quantum critical... -
Structural Studies of PbZr1-xTixO3: completing the puzzle in the tetragonal a...
We request 6 days of HRPD time in order to study the structures on the tetragonal side of the lead zirconate-titanate (PZT) phase diagram, a region that has so far been rather... -
Local structure of bulk and nanocrystalline Chromium
We plan to study the coupling between magnetic properties and local structure of polycrystalline and nanocrystalline chromium. Chromium undergoes a magnetic ordering transition... -
Magnetic and crystal structures of substituted BiFeO3 from high resolution ne...
The multiferroic perovskite BiFeO3 is the only material that displays both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic order at RT. Significant efforts are aimed at better understanding...