Configurational and displacive disorder in the cubic NTE material Cd(CN)2
Cubic cadmium(II) cyanide shows the most pronounced isotropic NTE effect known, with behaviour more than twice as extreme as that of better known materials such as ZrW2O8. This... -
Structural and Electronic Analysis of Li(NH3)4 and Li(ND3)4
We propose to investigate the detailed spectroscopy of the expanded metal systems 7Li(NH3)4 and 7Li(ND3)4 by inelastic neutron scattering. 7Li(NH3)4 shows multiple phase... -
Copy of: IINS Study of the Molecular Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide/Water Mi...
Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the cleanest, most versatile strategic base chemicals available. It is used at the large scale as oxidising agent in the chemical industry, as a... -
The role of Disorder in Phase Transitions in some manganese Perovskites
The aim of this work is to understand the origin of the difference in the behaviour between the two doped manganites Sr0.65Pr0.35MnO3 and Sr0.70Ce0.30MnO3. The hypothesis we... -
Quasielastic Neutron Spectroscopy of Ammonium Borohydride
We ask for 7 days on IRIS to study the quasielastic scattering in ammonium borohydride (NH4BH4). Using enriched ND4 and BD4, we aim to separate out the difference rotational and... -
Spin ordering in the iridium oxide pyrochlore A2Ir2O7
Here we propose to search for magnetic order in 3 variants of the A2Ir2O7 (A=Y, Nd, and Lu) system. A fundamentally new, moderately-coupled, electronic ground state has been... -
Long-range cationic ordering in metal-organic perovskite solid solutions
The structure of the metal guanadinium formates is analogous to perovskite; the Cu compound is of particular interest as a potential multiferroic. We have recently demonstrated... -
Molecular and framework dynamics in CH3NH3PbCl3
We propose to use MARI to measure the molecular and framework dynamics in CH3NH3PbCl3 which has become of interest in the context of efficient photovoltaics. CH3NH3PbCl3 is... -
Programme Access Rosseinsky
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Structural phase diagram of rare earth substituted multiferroic BiFeO3
BiFeO3 is one of the most widely studied multiferroics (ferroelectric TC ~ 830°C, and antiferromagnetic TN ~ 370°C). Rare earth doping has been shown to be a suitable method of... -
Investigations of amorphous pharmaceutical materials produced from different ...
Pharmaceuticals are usually formulated in the crystalline state for obvious reasons of stability. They may also exist in a disordered and less cohesive state i.e. amorphous... -
Phase Separation in NaTaO3. Can it be controlled by pressure?
The present proposal seeks to establish the pressure dependence of the Pbnm-Cmcm transition in NaTaO3 and some doped variants thereof. It aims to understand the understand the... -
Neutron Diffraction investigation of multiferroic MOFs
This proposal aims to investigate multiferroic properties in a new class of materials, a blend between organic and inorganic chemistry, called metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).... -
Structure, thermal expansion and vibrational properties of ammonium bicarbona...
Ammonium carbonates, sensu lato, have relevance to carbon capture schemes and as potential hydrogen storage materials. These compounds occur on Earth as minerals and, since... -
Investigation of the low temperature phases of SrSnO3
The present proposal is to examine the low temperature structural properties of SrSnO3 using the HRPD. This work aims to examine the structural basis for the unusual low... -
PDF study of the structural disorder in a quantum spin liquid candidate
We have identified a potential quantum spin liquid by tuning the magnetic interactions on a square lattice through d10-d0 cation mixing. MuSR shows dynamic magnetism down to... -
Neutron analysis of the structure of SrAl2O4 from 300 to 1273 K.
SrAl2O4 is a stuffed tridymite that has attracted a good deal of interest, since doping with Eu2+ leads to a material with elastic-luminescent response. The structure and phase... -
Coordinated, Recoiling Molecules Tethered by Hydrogen Bonding: Ammonia in Zeo...
We request 5 days on IRIS to investigate the hindrance to molecular rotation of ammonia in a zeolite framework due to hydrogen bonding interactions. This is a tied proposal to... -
Multiferroic (Ferroelastic/Magnetic) Phase Transitions in KMnF3
KMnF3 perovskite undergoes 3 structural, and two magnetic phase transitions on cooling from 300 K to 2 K. Above 185 K the compound is in the aristotype structure, on cooling... -
Two-Dimensional Incommensurate Modulation in Melilite
We have prepared large single crystals of the melilite electroltyes Ln1+xCaxGa3O7+d; (Ln = La and Nd; x = 0 and 0.5) using a floating zone mirror furnace. We have characterised...