CHRONUS Commissioning
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Reinvestigation of muon sites in the high-Tc superconductor, YBa2Cu3O6
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Oxygen stoichiometry and its relation to the magnetic correlation YBa2Cu3O6+x...
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muSR study of quantum atomic deuterium/hydrogen and their critical slowing be...
Recently we found by muSR that the deuterium (D) atoms in the new ferroelectric compound Co2(OD)3Cl were quantum atomic and showed a critical slowing down with Tc=230 K, which... -
Exploration for Spin Liquid State in Spinel Titanates
We explore for the spin liquid state. Recently, the theoretical studies suggest that not only the frustrated lattice but also a structural fluctuation and disorder are important... -
Control of the Dimensionality of Magnetic Interaction by using Carbon Nanotub...
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Mechanism Study of Hydrogen (Deuterium) Dynamics and Multifferoics in Geometr...
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Dynamics of Correlated Proton Tunneling in Ice
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Probing Spin Dynamics in the Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid (TLL) State by means o...
The TLL phase is a quantum spin condensed state in the one-dimensional system. In the case of DIMPY system which is a quasi-one-dimensional organic magnet, the TLL phase is... -
Muon Training School
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New 3d heavy fermion behavior accompanied by a Lifshits magnetic liquid phase...
Recently, new phase with Lifshits invariant of incommensurability is reported as a solitonic spin-liquid state above the magnetically ordered phase on Fe1-yTe. It cannot be... -
Early stage solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si and Al-Si alloys
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The first muSR measurement of magnetism in the T*214 cuprate
We propose the first muSR measurements on T-structured La0.9+x/2Eu0.9+x/2Sr0.2-xCuO4 to investigate the effect of hole-doping and the oxygen annealing on the magnetism. Since... -
The Magnetic Behaviour of LaCo0.75Mn0.25O3
Significant numbers of studies have been performed on the cobaltate and manganate perovskite systems. These are as a result of complex competition between lattice, charge, spin...