Does Deuteration Change More then the Phonon Spectrum?
Our recent express measurments on protonated and deuterated 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) have highlighted some interesting differences between the two. We seek to... -
Reinvestigation of muon sites in the high-Tc superconductor, YBa2Cu3O6
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Probing Magnetic Order in Defective Reduced Graphene Oxides by Means of mu-SR
Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with defective structure has shown interesting magnetic properties in the frame of room temperature ferromagnetism. The origin of the magnetic... -
Oxygen stoichiometry and its relation to the magnetic correlation YBa2Cu3O6+x...
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muSR study of quantum atomic deuterium/hydrogen and their critical slowing be...
Recently we found by muSR that the deuterium (D) atoms in the new ferroelectric compound Co2(OD)3Cl were quantum atomic and showed a critical slowing down with Tc=230 K, which... -
Exploration for Spin Liquid State in Spinel Titanates
We explore for the spin liquid state. Recently, the theoretical studies suggest that not only the frustrated lattice but also a structural fluctuation and disorder are important... -
Magnetism of an insulator phase near high-Tc honeycomb lattice superconductin...
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Control of the Dimensionality of Magnetic Interaction by using Carbon Nanotub...
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Na+ diffusion and magnetic behaviour of P2 and O3-type Na2/3Fe2/3Mn1/3O2 laye...
NaxMO2 layered oxides are being investigated as potential cathodes for Na-ion batteries. These systems present a variety of structures that are classified in terms of the Na... -
mSR Study on the Electronic States of Heavily Doped Synthesis Diamonds
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Investigating the Magnetic Ground State of Hole Doped Pyrochlore Ruthenates (...
We propose to clarify the magnetic properties of (Nd1-xCax)2Ru2O7 by using muSR. Previous result of ZF-muSR for x = 0 and 0.15 showed that there is a magnetic ordered state... -
Na-diffusion in NaxFeO2
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Nature of non-magnetic ground state of In2Ru2O7 probed by muon spin rotation
Complex ruthenium oxides offer a variety of exotic electronic states, such as spin-triplet superconductivity, metal-insulator transition and spin-orbital ordering. We discovered... -
Does Deuteration Change More then the Phonon Spectrum?
Our recent express measurments on protonated and deuterated 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) have highlighted some interesting differences between the two. We seek to... -
Mechanism Study of Hydrogen (Deuterium) Dynamics and Multifferoics in Geometr...
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Dynamics of Correlated Proton Tunneling in Ice
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muSR studies on CuOHCl single crystals to discover the mechanism of new multi...
Recently we have found multiferroic-like properties in an S=1/2 Cu2+ quantum-spin triangular-lattice compound CuOHCl. It showed geometric frustration and antiferromagnetic... -
Measurement of the temperature dependence of the muonium emission from silica...
We propose continued study of the muonium emission from silica aerogel using Muonium Spin Rotation (MuSR) following success of the proof-of-principle measurement. This time, we... -
Abnormally enhanced diamagnetism of Al-Zn-Mg alloys
We measured temperature and time dependences of magnetization of Al-1.0%Zn-4.2%Mg (ZM14), Al-2.6%Zn-3.2%Mg (ZM33), and Al-4.1%Zn-1.1%Mg (ZM41) (at.%) alloys after various... -
Topological Phase Transitions Driven by Magnetic Phase Transitions in FexBi2Te3
Topological insulators are currently a subject of intense research and potential for spin-electronic devices. The breaking of gauge symmetry or time reversal symmetry(TRS) is a...